Okay, so practicing with the voice. Rob: Yeah. Caroline Goyder's global reputation as a speaker and voice coach is built on her warm, engaging, relaxed and highly practical style, and her expertise honed by her work with actors, teachers, broadcasters and the corporate sector. The following is the full transcript of the The Surprising Secret to Speaking With Confidence by Caroline Goyder at TEDxBrixton… Listen to the MP3 Audio here: The surprising secret to speaking with confidence by Caroline Goyder at TEDxBrixton. Caroline Goyder encourages us to use our voice as an instrument and really find the confidence within in her TEDx Talk. There’s a sense that my voice is more newsreader. We cover several different ideas, including how to make a particular physical shift that has an immediate impact on your gravitas. Caroline: Headspace and it absolutely guides you. Am I going to be self-conscious?” Think about this simple question, “How can I help?” And what he said about that is it takes us into compassion. I’m looking at you, and you look like a really nice bunch … Rob: So there we are. Caroline: It’s tricky. Don’t worry, it’s going to be fine. What are a couple of the starting ideas that you help people to do from within that toolkit? And she gave me some feedback recently. Caroline has written three books, ... Caroline Goyder's global reputation as a speaker and voice coach is built on her warm, engaging, relaxed and highly practical style, and her expertise honed by her work with actors, teachers, broadcasters and the corporate sector. And I get up a bit early to do that. And I just felt this feeling of absolute shame, that feeling of an audience looking at you, that feeling of judgment which cripples us. To join the 300 fundraisers already in the club or just to find out more go to brightspotfundraising.co.uk. So, so literally you will feel calmer. How some people show up all the time at work. What makes a TED Talk go viral? Caroline Goyder is an author and voice coach, with a lifelong curiosity in the question of how we find the courage to think for ourselves: aloud. Caroline trained as an actor, and then as a voice coach at Central School of Speech and Drama (CSSD), where she worked for ten years. And then from what you found from coaching fundraisers so far, what are a couple of the common things that could cause them to not actually feel as confident as they’d like? That makes absolute sense. Rob: Today, in this, the first of four sessions I recorded with Caroline for the Bright Spot Members’ Club, we explore tactics that any fundraiser can implement to increase their gravitas. Palms down gesture often takes you into a more task style. Caroline originally trained as an actor at Central School of Speech and Drama. Or if they want to run away or hide, they make themselves small. When meeting relatively serious / task focussed people (eg Directors of Finance / major donors who work in finance / banking are more likely to spend a lot of time in this mode), you can feel and convey more gravitas by a simple change in body language – Move from palms facing up, to your palms facing down. I was two years older than my sister at the time I mean, I'm two years older than her now but at the time it meant she had to do everything that I wanted to do, and I wanted to play war. And then it’s finding the balance. Press alt + / to open this menu. But watching, spending 20 minutes watching Amy Cuddy with the science behind it, of how within just two minutes you feel different if you have the discipline to go to the bathroom before your big meeting and do this? And then I came across this really cool maker called George McCollum, who is sitting there. Caroline Goyder. There are many things in including the pressure put on you by yourself or by your colleagues, because if this is a big deal and probably several people in your charity know about it. When I was seven years old and my sister was just five years old, we were playing on top of a bunk bed. Rob: Yeah. Photo: James Duncan Davidson. In this revolutionary new book, leading voice coach and speaker Caroline Goyder reveals how to speak so others will listen. We look under the bonnet. Rob: But if within any typical week, like when you’re waiting for someone or whatever, you’ve got a few moments where normally you might play with your smartphone or whatever, there’s always 10 minutes now and again in a person’s day, practice being present. When you walk into a meeting, do you need to play strength, palms down, focus on task. She is the pioneer of The Gravitas Method and for 16 years she has coached actors, business leaders and fundraisers in how to speak with more confidence and authority, so as to reduce stress and improve results. Where do we look? The surprising secret to speaking with confidence | Caroline Goyder | TEDxBrixton TEDx Talks Published on Nov 25, 2014 This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. And we’re going to go to those bits. That’s a risk. And I think most people struggle with doing it. Caroline: Definitely. And he said, “I used to think as an actor going into those auditions, God, it’s all about me. Rob: Yeah, so that’s a great tip. And that is not the case. GralInt/PRESENT-TED Talks-The surprising secret to speaking with confidence | Caroline Goyder The following information is used for educational purposes only. Rob: I recorded today’s interview at a fundraising conference a couple of years ago. Rob: Yes, absolutely. Accessibility Help. Rob: So that your body is good at it in advance of the big meeting. A group of volunteers might want more connection, more approachability, more warmth. It makes them feel anxious. Is scary. Is that advice you’d give? And that’s different from a lot of other jobs. Caroline McHugh at TEDxMiltonKeynesWomen. And that has a certain low voice tone that communicates power. Caroline’s website and contact email are at carolinegoyder.com. So when we stop and think, we breathe in. I recorded this a couple of years ago, and ever since this interview I’ve taken advantage of some of the techniques we talked about, including things that help you find and convey strength as well as warmth. And what you need are a performer or a sports person’s toolkit for coping with that kind of pressure. In a poll that asked volunteers to rate TED Talks, there appeared to be a correlation between the number of hand gestures a speaker made and how well people rated their talks. Caroline: You’re just warming it up, because the voice is just air hitting the vocal folds, vibrating in the body. The surprising secret to speaking with confidence. And I said to George, “Can you make me a chest of drawers? I’m sharing it now because members of the Bright Spot Club have told me they absolutely love the down to earth nature of the tips you find in this interview and in the other training bundles that this expert teacher has made with us. Among many other things, it includes three longer film interviews with Caroline Goyder, including Winning Hearts and Minds and Grace Under Pressure. Caroline: And a really simple trick is palms down as well. Literally you are resonating your system. Here is the news. Rob: Hey there folks. Thanks George. And on one side of the bunk bed, I had put out all of my G.I. I love working with fundraisers, because fundraising is incredibly important and it’s also incredibly tricky. Trying to reconcile a couple of different pressures on them. Special Offer for Fundraising Bright Spots listeners – if you send a copy of your receipt by email to Caroline at her website at carolinegoyder.com, she will send you her Confidence Boosters audio course, which is normally £10 and the full set of her Gravitas Method audios, which are normally £50. But if you can carve out half an hour just to get physically present, that sets your state up for the rest of the day. Rob: Yes, fabulous. Caroline: I think understanding your strengths and weaknesses in terms of your style is really important. What do you mean by palms down? It’s setting us up for a calm, present state under pressure. So check your focus is on how can I help them? But obviously you need to find a way to put them into practice which takes a step on from just being aware of them intellectually. ahhhhh… can everyone do that for meeee? Yeah, balance is everything. Caroline Goyder's global reputation as a speaker and voice coach is built on her warm, engaging, relaxed and highly practical style, and her expertise honed by her work with actors, teachers, broadcasters and the corporate sector. If you found the ideas helpful, do remember to hit subscribe today so you don’t miss out on any of the other sessions, and I’d be incredibly grateful if you could spare a moment to share it on with anyone else who you think might find it helpful. They will be sitting with the casting director watching other actors come in who are going to be playing with them. For me as a performer, if I think it’s all about me, the spotlight is on me, particularly as an introvert, that’s horrible. Rob: We can all do that. Because like this little guitar, it has a string and it has a hitter. There’s a Walt Whitman quote, you know, “I contain multitudes.”, Caroline: So for example, I was talking to a charity recently and one of them was having to go in and talk to big groups of volunteers and she was an athlete. Caroline Goyder is an author and voice coach, with a lifelong curiosity in the question of how we find the courage to think for ourselves: aloud. It’s a bit delicate, George. - All Resources, Communicating, Recommended Ted Talks, Stress Management, Succeeding at work, Video, Wellbeing - Caroline was a voice coach at Central School of Speech and Drama for ten years, and now runs a business that helps people find confidence and calm in the t And I know what you're thinking. 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest. You know, there are people who are confident. And you're right, it does. I went to drama school, trained as an actor, and then ended up teaching actors how to have confidence, presence, voice, power, and those skills started to become really interested … other people started to want to know about them. And I started to find myself at Central School of Speech and Drama teaching people who weren’t actors. It refuels the brain. And getting it right can be so important for your charity, and getting it wrong will be really hard to feed back at the ranch. Caroline Goyder, author of Find Your Voice: Secrets For Speaking With Confidence In Any Situation shares her top tips for overcoming fear Caroline Goyder Monday 10 February 2020 17:03 And do check out our episode notes on our Bright Spot website to find those. Caroline Goyder is a voice coach, author and TEDx speaker. Rob: Yes. She now runs a business that helps people find confidence and calm in the theatre of life. Where is the string of your voice? You can handle it. That’s when it’s most powerful. For the audience, it has a different effect. Best response of the morning. Caroline: Exactly. It is a lesson that might surprise you. That is a big lesson in here. I think it’s the same kind of pressure. Try it now, and say the days of the week with the two difference gestures. Because you’ve just been hearing the voice is the most amazing instrument. Accompanied by an unusual prop, she encourages us to use our voice as an instrument and really find the confidence within. Her public speaking exerts an obvious influence over her writing for this book, but it never reads like a transcript from some recent appearance. And that in any kind of pitch or ask situation is really powerful. We can either survive by strength or warmth. You are looking at me. Find Your Voice, the great new book by Caroline Goyder. 2. Voice coach Caroline Goyder shares the secret..... Jump to. And I spent a lot of time on mountaintops inflating this bedsheet, running off and flying. There’s going to be few ideas too. Caroline: Absolutely. Rob: And if you’d like to hear the other three interviews I did with Caroline, including one on winning hearts and minds and another on how to have grace under pressure, then these are all available along with a huge library of other practical training bundles and inspiring live events for fundraisers in our Bright Spot Members Club. When we as human beings make ourselves tall. It’s a little pit stop in our speech. Rob: Excellent advice. If you’ve ever needed to represent your charity at a meeting with someone important – eg a powerful supporter or a Board Member – then you know how easily those differences in power can harm your performance and increase your stress levels. She’s a triathlete, very good triathlete. Accelerating molecules you might say. And the reality is doing some calm breathing immediately before the big deal may help a bit, but really you’re saying it’s a bit late. It doesn’t matter if you make some bum notes. (Obviously there are other times when you need to feel and project warmth more than strength. It is this moment, isn’t it? We are going to get there, and it’s not what you might think. Rather than adrenaline. The following is the full transcript of the The Surprising Secret to Speaking With Confidence by Caroline Goyder at TEDxBrixton…, Listen to the MP3 Audio here: The surprising secret to speaking with confidence by Caroline Goyder at TEDxBrixton. But it is this moment — this moment where our worlds are colliding right now. And if you want more warmth, you just turn the palms up. So task is key. Sign Up. We join the interview at the point where I’ve asked Caroline about her background and how it helps her in the work she does now. And what I want to talk about today is the idea that we can find more confidence within us if we know where to look. Actually all of us have confidence within. And simply in the morning putting the radio on or putting a favorite CD on and singing, really enjoy singing. This physical shift helps you project STRENGTH ahead of WARMTH. It makes them feel that maybe they are not up to it. Now when actors are playing character, there’s a whole raft of options to play with. Caroline: And so that idea that yes, you really focus, you might be sitting there half an hour before the meeting rather than going, “Am I going to mess up? Recommended length is no longer than 30 minutes. Caroline: Balance. Through simple techniques to build your natural gravitas, you will learn how to express yourself clearly with passion and confidence to persuade, influence and engage listeners. or. It means that when you get into a room, your voice will be there for you. And she said, “When I go into the room there’s a kind of sense that I want to tell them stuff and I’m almost competing with them, because that’s what I do. The last lesson is the big one. And just as I thought it couldn’t go any worse, the microphone broke. And so she looked at what happens when humans make themselves very big. As obvious as it sounds, when you truly seek to help others rather than look good / not mess up / serve your ego, you release more oxytocin, your energy softens, your confidence increases. The voice is a very unrecognized, underestimated part of who we are. Warm up your voice, and increase its variety, richness and power by practicing singing at home / while driving, even if you feel you’re no good at singing. Her extremely successful Ted Talk has over 7.5 million views. And these are really straightforward binary archetypes. Let’s practice it as a normal … you don’t have to be doing yoga all day every day. Not Now. So let’s get into it. What if I mess it up?” And he realized, he said, “Sitting at the other side of the table with the casting director, we were just as worried about getting it wrong.”. And you look really friendly enough, so thank you! This is Rob Woods and welcome to episode 12 of the Fundraising Bright Spots podcast. Now a quick way to get into that is to focus on task. Caroline had her hair and makeup properly done. These 5 nonverbal patterns may explain Hand gestures might make a talk feel more compelling. And then when you walk into a meeting with someone that you need to impress, where you need to feel confident, your voice, it’s like a warmed up engine. As a practical alternative to one-off conferences and courses whose impact can fade all too quickly. Led not by focus or idea, but by physiology. Pages: First |1 | ... | → | Last | View Full Transcript. And what she realized was that in the animal kingdom, when animals are frightened, they tend to either puff themselves up and make themselves big, if they want to fight. I am looking at you, and it hits my brain with the feeling of adrenaline. It’s oxytocin. And I look forward to speaking to you again in the next episode. Rob: So I’m thrilled to introduce you in a moment to Caroline Goyder. When we pause, what we’re doing is closing our mouth really simply and inhaling. I get up every morning, I train for two hours, I go home, I train for two hours.” And so we talked about what it would be like if she looks at the audience as old friends. And again, what you’re saying about the pressure on your shoulders to get that ask, that moment, right. She knows a thing or two about how to find your voice and get out of your head. So we all have habitual ways of showing up. I knew I was a good pilot. I’m a terribly tuneless singer. Doing both those things? Facebook. Forgot account? Do you need to play warmth, palms up, focused on connection, on warmth. If you need help / sometimes lose willpower, the Headspace app is well worth trying – its free to try and very affordable if you keep going and makes a big difference. Now you might be wondering what this object is. In this fun and personal talk, Caroline shares a story of moving from stage-paralysis to expressive self. TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). I am going to make sure that the next time I stand up to speak it feels good. Caroline Goyder My pleasure, Pete. Its my belief that if you can find your voice in those moments, you can find it any situation.’, ‘Pause more. Caroline: Other audiences are different. And if there was one more idea or little exercise that you do with people that you coach, either consistent with these or something else, what would a last piece of advice be to someone who wants to feel more confident? You walk out literally standing taller, and then you’re not doing it on purpose, but the hormones are already helping you feel more alpha. Caroline explains a range of ideas for how to do this, that she sometimes uses with her clients who need to be at their best on important occasions. Yeah, that makes absolute sense. And you are looking a bit unsure, a voice coach. Believe in yourself. Rob: So that’s where the Bill Nighy focus of how can I help you. Practice being present and grounded. And I stepped up in front of that audience and what happened was everything that could possibly go wrong did. Rob: Yeah. And he said to me, I learned this years ago, that actors when they get to a certain level cast their own movies. Just go to the TED Talk you are interested in and click below on ‘Transcript’ There is a set of strategies, assessive skills that any sportsperson will use that equally any actor or opera singer will use. Create New Account. And that includes Caroline’s website details and details of the special offer on her excellent new book, Find Your Voice. Some elements of relationship fundraising are not easy, especially meetings with major donors, agencies, trustees, corporates, where there is a difference in perceived status and you need to understand and to an extent, operate in their world…. And what actors would say is that it’s a kind of still grounded power, that it says I am worthy of your attention. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? She worked at Central School of Speech and Drama as a voice coach for over 10 years before launching her own company. Caroline: Exactly. Caroline: And strength communicates often with major donors, in corporates, in finance, with anybody who’s got a kind of leadership role in a big organization, because they’ve got a lot on their plates. And her research is all about the power of posture on our emotional hormonal balance. Follow the link to find out more about our 25% discount on annual club membership. And I can see a couple of really brainy TED faces there. I was sitting there for five minutes and it just feels great in this room. It makes you feel more resonant in that space and that has a huge effect. It’s all designed to help you learn, enjoy your job, and raise more money. So yeah, that moment of pressure is a kind of tough performance. It warms up the vocal folds and helps you tune into your playful side. And I left that venue and I thought to myself, “Never again”. I sat down with voice coach, Caroline Goyder. She’s the author of several excellent books and if you like Caroline’s ideas, I recommend you check out her brilliant new book which is called Find Your Voice. Singing is the way to a great voice. The Surprising Secret to Speaking With Confidence by Caroline Goyder (Full Transcript), How to Control Emotion and Influence Behavior: Dawn Goldworm at TEDxEast (Transcript), TD Jakes on 3 Types of Friends (Transcript), The surprising secret to speaking with confidence by Caroline Goyder at TEDxBrixton, Full Transcript: The Psychology of Human Misjudgement: Charlie Munger, Students Need to Lead The Classroom, Not Teachers: Katherine Cadwell (Transcript), A Writer’s Secrets to Catching Creative Ideas: Brad Herzog (Transcript), Warren Buffett’s Advice to UNL 2020 Graduates (Full Transcript), Why Storytelling is So Powerful in The Digital Era: Ashley Fell (Transcript). Caroline Goyder’s third book, "Find Your Voice: The Secret to Talking with Confidence in Any Situation", continues illustrating how she successfully melds her dramatic training, inherent intelligence, and keen understanding of human nature into a transformative whole. Yeah, because if you’re a sportsperson, if you’re Usain Bolt, you don’t just hope you’re going to be feeling good on the day. Finally, thank you so much for listening today. And I often recommend to people you can do it on the tube. But when you ask a maker to make a chest of drawers, they don’t always do what you think they are going to do. SPEAK WITH CONFIDENCE. Caroline was named by Red magazine as one of Britain’s top coaches. They cope with this moment totally fine. It won’t be squeaky, it won’t be thin. Rob: Well, that’s very reassuring from the start, because I think it’s contrary to what some of us may have been led to believe. Caroline Goyder, voice coach. Because we speak on the out breath. Caroline does yoga in the morning. And I looked out across the room and I said in my big voice — coach voice — there wasn’t this much wind at the time I have to say – and I said in my big voice coach voice: “Can you hear me at the back?”. We’re breathing. 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