's reign were issued the so-called "lion shillings," bearing the royal crest, a crowned lion on a crown, a design reverted to in the coinage of Edward VII. Both in the wood-carving and silver work the Burmese character displays itself, giving boldness, breadth and freedom of design, but a general want of careful finish. The definition of a design is a plan or something created, often in art or fashion. The Great Exhibition, state-aided schools of design, the South Kensington Museum, and the establishment of a Science and Art Department under Government, were among the results of the important art revival which he inaugurated. Many vestiges of Roman rule survive, such as roads, mines, ruins, tombs, coins, frescoes and inscriptions. Newton to enable a fairly complete restoration of its design to be made. Bernini showed his design to Wren, but would not let him copy it, though, as he said, he "would have given his skin" to be allowed to do so. The wait at the host stand, the table, the chair, the music, the server, the menu, what's on the menu, how it's prepared, these are … design something for somebody/something They asked me to design a poster for the campaign. thick; the Merwyn's tower of Scott's Kenilworth; the great hall built by John of Gaunt with windows of very beautiful design; and the Leicester buildings, which are in a very ruinous condition. The bronze image of the same divinity at Horyu-ji, said to have been cast at the beginning of the 7th century by Tori Busshi, the grandson of a Chinese immigrant, is of good technical quality, but much inferior in design to the former. Design argument, an absolutely clear truth.'. focal length) from the Repsolds, and the design for their construction was superintended by Struve, Auwers FIG. 2. Essentially the child of the Gothic revival, he had put an ineffaceable stamp on Victorian ornament and design, his place being that of a follower of Ruskin and Pugin, but with a greater practical influence than either. The 12th and r3th centuries, which witnessed the great struggle between the secular and spiritual powers in the state, witnessed also the rise of a literature inspired by the lay spirit, and of an art which was already escaping from the thraldom of the stereotyped ecclesiastical forms. Great design groups like elements together. The main features of the steam locomotive were thus established, and its subsequent development is chiefly a history of gradual increase in size and power, and of improvements in design, in material and in mechanical construction, tending to increased efficiency and economy of operation. The fact that rolling is so much cheaper than forging has led engineers to design their pieces so that they can be made by rolling, i.e. The 19th century brought no important modifications until near its close, when French and Italian styles began to appear, both in exterior decoration and in architectural design. In fact, the entire design of the living area was more open and roomy than the new log home where they now lived. All the examples on the right are abstracted from design elements. Always write the main sentence line first and then fill in the modifiers. In the ornamental iron-work for doors the French smiths were pre-eminent for the richness of design and skilful treatment of their metal. The gallery is a triumph of design. The Premature Death Of Regiomontanus Caused The Design To Be Suspended For The Time; But In The Following Century Numerous Memoirs Appeared On The Subject, Among The Authors Of Which Were Staler, Albert Pighius, Johann Schbner, Lucas Gauricus, And Other Mathematicians Of Celebrity. This work is in its design apologetic, and is meant to bring within the range of Christian thought all that is of value in Mahommedan science. In examples of a few years later, like the "Virgin with the Monkey," the design of Mother and Child clearly betrays the influence of Italy and specifically of Lorenzo di Credi. 1628) that the greatest amount of skill both in design and execution was reached by the Persian workmen. buildings destroyed by the Persians were built into it, possibly owing to haste, as in the case of the city walls, but more probably with the design of commemorating the great historic catastrophe, as the wall was visible from the Agora. The design was then beaten into relief from the back with hammers and punches, the pitch bed yielding to the protuberances which were thus formed, and serving to prevent the punch from breaking the metal into holes. His designs favor somber shades of gray, green and brown. Many of these Indian grass-mats are admirable examples of elegant design, and the colours in which they are woven are rich, harmonious and effective in the highest degree. By the end of August 1885, when a political crisis had supervened between Great Britain and Russia, under the orders of the Amir the Mosalla was destroyed; but four minars standing at the corners of the wide plinth still remain to attest to the glorious proportions of the ancient structure, and to exhibit samples of that decorative tilework, which for intricate beauty of design and exquisite taste in the blending of colour still appeals to the memory as unique. 18 examples: It seems possible that professional insularity helped to shield and support… There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. 1. If parts of the design are to be in relief, they are built up with a putty of black lacquer, white lead, camphor and lamp-black. Essex does not seem to have been at all hurt by his action in this matter, and shortly after his release they were again on friendly terms, Bacon drawing up letters as if to or from the earl with the design of having them brought before the queen. Choose the Right Synonym for design Noun intention, intent, purpose, design, aim, end, object, objective, goal mean what one intends to … Some early ambones are found in Ravenna, and in the south of Italy are many fine examples; the epistle ambo in the cathedral at Ravello (1130), which is perhaps the earliest, shows a Scandinavian influence in the design of its mosaic inlay, an influence which is found in Sicilian work and may be a Norman importation. How to switch between nouns and verbs comfortably. high; Chalmers hospital (founded by Alexander Chalmers of Clunie, a merchant and shipowner of the town); a masonic hall of tasteful design; and the academy, a modern structure in the Grecian style, to which there is attached an extensive museum, containing examples of the early mechanical genius of James Ferguson, the astronomer. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adjectives: " The graphic design is beautiful. design. Worauf Sie als Käufer bei der Auswahl Ihres High esteem in a sentence achten sollten! The principal condition operating in the design of locomotives intended for local services with frequent stops is the degree of acceleration required, the aim of the designer being to produce an engine which shall be able to bring the train to its journey speed in the shortest time possible. They are small portable braziers (foculi) of bronze or sometimes of silver and of highly ornate design. And the God he postulates is brought in ex machina like the God of the old Design argument in its roughest popular form. Greek philosophy for our purpose begins with Socrates, who formulated the Design Argument. William Rufus, to the disgust of his supporters, permitted Odo to leave the kingdom after the collapse of this design (1088), and thenceforward Odo was the right-hand man of Robert in Normandy. Diagramming sentences is a playful, fun way of learning English Grammer. Word, phrase, or sentence: Try out Spruce , our experimental quotations search engine. 196. The famous three-peaked fa鏰de has medieval elements of design. The design of connecting Athens with the Peiraeus by long parallel walls is ascribed by Plutarch to Themistocles. The Design argument elicits from Lotze the criticism that some things look purposeful, but others decidedly purposeless. It also has a design in red and white. We are suitably impressed that Da Vinci sketched a design for a submarine and a flying machine. 例文帳に追加 設計情報の設計に利用する公開設計情報を参照設計情報210として開発者設計情報格納部202に格納す … Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Russell spoke with spirit and dignity in his own defence, and, in especial, vehemently denied that he had ever been party to a design so wicked and so foolish as those of the murder of the king and of rebellion. The copy, together with the many careful and highly finished preparatory studies for the heads, limbs and draperies which have been preserved, shows that this must have been the one of DUrer's pictures in which he best combined the broader vision and simpler habits of design which had impressed him in the works of Italian art with his own inherited and ingrained love of unflinchingly grasped fact and rugged, accentuated character. When Catherine found herself opposed by the policy of France and England, and threatened by the jealousy of Prussia and Austria, she dropped the Greek design, observing to Voltaire that the descendants of the Spartans were much degenerated. In spite of the best advice, however, the jealousies of the citizens prevented any systematic design from being carried out, and in consequence the old lines were in almost every case retained. By a decree of 1842 this fund was transferred to the public treasury of Mexico, the Mexican government undertaking to pay interest thereon in perpetuity in furtherance of the design of the original donors. The design was grand, but has never been completed. In the design of spires Wren showed much taste and wonderful power of invention. Moreover, the higher problems of rhythmic movement in the classical sonata forms are far beyond the scope of academic teaching; which is compelled to be contented with a practical plausibility of musical design; and the instrumental music which was considered the highest style of art in 18 3 0 was as far beyond Wagner's early command of such plausibility as it was obviously already becoming a mere academic game. The western door at Monreale, inferior to the northern one both in richness of design and in workmanship, is by Bonannus of Pisa, for the cathedral of which place he cast the still existing bronze door on the south, opposite the leaning tower. High esteem in a sentence - Die preiswertesten High esteem in a sentence im Vergleich! He will not waste time upon triflers who deny what he thinks, in the light of the (empiricist!) Wren apparently did not himself approve of this second design, for he got the king to give him permission to alter it as much as he liked, without showing models or drawings to any one, and the actual building bears little resemblance to the approved design, to which it is very superior in almost every possible point. He had intended, as soon as his circumstances permitted him, to marry the widow of his predecessor, but his illness increased so rapidly that it was only on his death-bed, on the igth of May 1786, that he carried out his design. Olmsted, Jr.) was appointed by authority of the United States Senate to prepare plans for the beautification of the city and this body, seeking in the main to return to L'Enfant's plan, has submitted a design for a park-like treatment of the entire district between Pennsylvania and Maryland avenues from the Capitol to the White House and between lower New York Avenue and the Potomac, with an elm-shaded mall 300 ft. wide bisecting the park from the Capitol to the Monument, with a group of official and scientific buildings fronting the mall on either side, with a group of municipal buildings between the mall and Pennsylvania Avenue, and with a Lincoln memorial on the bank of the Potomac. He established the existence of molecules and atoms as we have defined above, and stated that the number of atoms in the molecule is generally 2, but may be 4, 8, &c. We cannot tell whether his choice of the powers of 2 is accident or design. On the 24th of November Mary was at Craigmillar castle, near Edinburgh, where undoubtedly she held a conference with her chief advisers that boded no good to Darnley; and there were rumours of Darnley's design to seize the infant prince and rule in his name. Many objects in nature, organisms especially, seem to resemble the works of human design; there fore with high probability we infer a designing mind behind nature, adequate to the production of these special results. About YourDictionary.com's Sentence Examples Oftentimes to understand a word's meaning you need more than a definition. - Consideration of the local conditions affecting the erection of bridges is always important, and sometimes becomes a controlling factor in the determination of the design. The same process is then repeated in another direction, so that the new bands cross the old at an angle adapted to the nature of the design. It is rich, ornate, yet hardly florid, distinguished by splendid effects of light and shade, obtained by a far bolder use of projections than had hitherto been found in the somewhat fiat design of Venetian façades. could do was done to make the design of the piece understood. The design of these facades is very striking and unlike that of any other building in the world. The whole was then heated until it perfectly adhered, and the mass was drawn out lengthways so as to render the design far more minute, and to increase the total length for cutting up. The edifices raised by the Moorish kings of Spain and the Moslem rulers of India may have been more splendid in their materials, and more elaborate in their details; the houses of the great men of Damascus may be more costly than were those of the Mameluke beys; but for purity of taste and elegance of design both are far excelled by many of the mosques and houses of Cairo. In the carving of windows, aisles, cloister, capitals, bosses and doorheads no design is repeated. In the design of a structure such as a tall reservoir dam it is important that the line of thrust in the material should pass inside the core of a section, so that the material should not be in a state of tension anywhere and so liable to open and admit the water. Design in a sentence 1) The design certainly looks good on paper. In 1538 an embassy of German divines visited England with the design, among other things, of forming a common confession for the two countries. The birth of Caesarion a monster so I ’ ve broken it into eight sections mines, ruins tombs! 1, 1733 ) before he could conceal his design took shape expanded... It was you who accused him of a design for a submarine and a larger pantry took! Synonyms: deliberately, rather than by accident this shameless design the surplus income of architectural! At times it will save you hours of time spent on an elegant by... 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