Load Data &Technical Information by Caliber. Norma is a registered trademark of RUAG Ammotec, a RUAG Group Company | Copyright © 2020 RUAG Ammotec GmbH, Blue Sheep Hunt in the Himalayan Mountains, Things to think about before your first moose hunt, Choosing the right bullet for wild boar hunting, African Swine Fever - A hunter's new bane, Ammo Selection Guide for White-Tailed Deer, Recipe: Roasted venison silverside by Jimmy Stening, Cartridge of the month: 470 Nitro Express, Norma BONDSTRIKE™ 6.5 field test at 1000 meters, EVOSTRIKE VS TIPSTRIKE in ballistic gelatin, Cartridge of the month: 300 Winchester Magnum, Video: Free range hunting in South Africa - Part 1, Video: Free range hunting in South Africa - Part 2, Video: Free range hunting in South Africa - Part 3, Video: Free range hunting in South Africa - Part 4, Five things to keep in mind before the buck premiere, Video: Three ways to shoot from a high stand, Tradition meets technology - Thermal and night vision. Rifles with barrels of both standard and heavy weights were offered, and to make sure the .220 Swift ran at top speed, all barrels were 26 inches long. With all that in mind, I choose the Charter Arms Bulldog, reviewed here for the ballistic test since it is designed primarily as a self defense handgun. vmax bullet the 204 has just as much enery at 500 yards as the 220 swift. Based on the 6mm Lee Navy cartridge, the Swift is a semi-rimmed affair with plenty of case capacity for the 48-grain bullets that Winchester loaded for it. The .220 Swift uses .224” bullets in spite of its name, and it is one of the most accurate high-power .22 cartridges ever made. These new bullets are a re-configured A-Frame design. † for use in all rifles chamered in 45-70 govt. Call me crazy but I just like the old cartridges. The Swift gained a reputation of giving extreme accuracy and an extremely flat trajectory, ideal for varminting. Nosler Inc | Privacy Use Order Processing. ... 220 Swift.224/22-250 Fast Twist.243/243 Winchester.257.264/6.5mm. Those interested in seeing a wide variety of ballistic gelatin test results should look at the Brass Fetcher Ballistic Testing sites (including the Original Older Data). Suffice it to say, it doesn't always mimic ballistic gelatin. The .220 Swift uses .224” bullets in spite of its name, and it is one of the most accurate high-power .22 cartridges ever made. * test barrel length in inches. HSM Ammunition. 0.0 indicates yardage at which firearm was sighted in. 22 Caliber Brass. That's why the rifles for large game fire big, heavy bullets. It exhibits larger expansion than the Nosler AccuBond and Swift Scirocco II and penetrates slightly less than either. 220 swift: 21297: 50: ... specifications are nominal ballistics figures established in test barrels. 220 Swift Ballistics. Reloading Information. But shooting the old ones can really bring a smile to your face. 406-777-2106. V-MAX ® 8343 3925 3465 3052 2676 2330 2010 1984 1546 1200 922 699 520 -1 5 07 -44 -138 -296 SV 243 Win 75 gr. 220 Swift This is the fastest production cartridge ever made, dating back to 1935 when Winchester introduced it in their model 54 bolt action rifle. individual firearm may vary from test barrel results. Something else the .220 Swift had going for it was its introduction in the Winchester Model 54, which was by far the most accurate factory rifle available at the time. Launching 40-grain Nosler B-Tips, the .220 Swift comes factory loaded at 4,250fps, although I know of handloaders taking it over 4,500fps. Kimber's new Model 84 Varmint and Weatherby's new Super VarmintMaster are fitting vehicles for taking a close look at these classic varmint cartridges.. It exhibits larger expansion than the Nosler AccuBond and Swift Scirocco II and penetrates slightly less than either. Mrtrigger 77 121 views. In addition to being two of the world's fastest .22-caliber centerfire cartridges, the .22-250 and .220 Swift rank among the oldest. † for use in all rifles chamered in 45-70 govt. Now the problem my experience is only with 22 rimfire. Introduced by Winchester in 1935, offered in the company’s Model 54 bolt-action rifles with the 6mm Lee Navy as a parent case, the concept came from Grosvenor Wotkyns two years earlier, when he necked down the .250-3000 Savage case to produce a … 220 Swift This is the fastest production cartridge ever made, dating back to 1935 when Winchester introduced it in their model 54 bolt action rifle. If it's in English, thank a Vet! 220 Swift 200 yds Metal Plate and Golf Ball - Duration: 1:16. Like all high velocity small caliber cartridges it has erratic performance on larger species unless bullets that are constructed for this purpose is used. V-MAX ® 8324 3680 3253 2868 2514 2186 1884 1654 1293 1004 772 583 433 -1 5 0 9-51 -158 -33 SV 243 Win 58 gr. I'm shooting Horndy 55gr. Shop Nosler Products.22 Caliber Reloading Components. Cases will last longer and can be run at higher pressures. The other is that I get to hear some great CCW stories. This landmark MV was achieved by the use of a lightweight 46 grain bullet. Originally the inspiration for this design came from Grosevenor Wotkyns who was experimenting with necking down the.250-3000 Savage case. You can push a 80grn amax easily at 3250fps with H4350, RE17, or Ramshot hunter at about a 40-42grn charge depend on throat length and seating depth. Yes, .220 Swift is very good, but the 6X gives better barrel life and a better bullet. The 220 Swift was developed by Winchester and introduced in 1935 as a new caliber for their Model 54 bolt action rifle. Ballistic gelatin will be ruined if improperly (e.g., with hot water) or inconsistently prepared, if it is not aged and tested at a precise temperature, etc. Just got a new Remington swift. Fax: 406-777- 3908 Based on the 6mm Lee Navy case necked down to.224 the 220 Swift was released by Winchester in 1935 for the Model 54 bolt action rifle. Small Arms Wound Ballistics. In addition to that the 204 shows less barrel wear versus the 220 swift. 0.0 indicates yardage at which firearm was sighted in. ... 200 grain Swift A-Frame, the 200 grain X-Bullet, or 220 gr Nosler Partition. Gunpowder Charge Weight Velocity m/s Velocity fps; Norma 202: Max 38.1 Min 36.0: 1266 1197: 4154 3927: Norma 203-B: Max 39.8 Min 38.0: 1284 1195: 4213 3921 When the Winchester Model 70bolt action was first issued in 1936, the 220 Swift was one of the standa… Technology. In 2012, Swift will introduce its new "Lever Action Series." I also have a 250,223 and 204 so I like the new ones too. Reloading Glossary. Stevensville, MT 59870. Ballistic gelatin will be ruined if improperly (e.g., with hot water) or inconsistently prepared, if it is not aged and tested at a precise temperature, etc. Joined: Dec 28, 2002 Messages: 3,550 Location: High up in the Rockies. And they still can get the job done. Kimber's new Model 84 Varmint and Weatherby's new Super VarmintMaster are fitting vehicles for taking a close look at these classic varmint cartridges.. Nosler Ballistic Tip bullets are available in the weights 125 grains, 150 grains, 165 grains, 168 grains (Combined Technologies) and 180 grains. At 50 yards the InterBond expanded immediately and violently, leaving particles of jacket material, lead and even the red polymer tip visible in the massive temporary cavity just inside the gel block. Cartridge Type: Rifle Height: 2.205" Width: 0.473" Average FPS: 3845 Average Energy: 1674 Average Gr: 51 Recoil: 0.9 Power Rank: 1.96 of 20 The .220 Swift is an old cartridge made back in 1934 by Winchester and is based off the 6mm Lee Navy and even older cartridge designed back in 1894. Steve Smith, Jan 2, 2003 #10. cheygriz member. Connect With Other Hunters. I have a 22 Hornet, 222 Rem, 220 Swift and 6MM Rem and all are shooters. It should also be st… Ballistics Gel; Game Calls & Decoys; Muzzle Brakes; Brands Where To Buy; Articles & Reviews; FAQs; Subscribe ... AMMO 220 SWIFT 50 GR V-MAX MOLY H83213 AMMO 220 SWIFT 55 GR V-MAX¯ H8324 AMMO 220 SWIFT 60 GR HP H8122. The .44 Special and .45 Automatic have very similar ballistics. 115 SW Columbia St | Bend, Oregon, USA 97702 | Toll Free: Nosler Showroom / Open to the Public: Monday - Friday 10:00 am to 5:30 pm PST, Load Data &Technical Information by Cartridge. The Swift range of bullets include the 150, 165 and 180 grain Scirocco bullets along with the 165, 180 and 200 grain A-Frame bullets. 0:31. The 220 Swift was a revolutionary loading at the time, and even now, with a factory loaded 48 grain projectile in excess of 4,000 feet per second. 220 swift: 21297: 50: pointed soft point : 9½: 0.175: 200: add to compare ... specifications are nominal ballistics figures established in test barrels. Its popularity has been waning for a number of years, largely giving way to .22-250 Remington which is made by all major rifle manufacturers whereas few make .220 Swift rifles any longer. 22-250 Remington Ackley Improved Load Data, 223 Win Super Short Magnum (WSSM) Load Data, 243 Win Super Short Magnum (WSSM) Load Data, 25 Winchester Super Short Magnum Load Data, 270 Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) Load Data, 7mm Rem Short Action Ultra Magnum Load Data, 7mm Shooting Times Westerner (STW) Load Data, 30-06 Springfield Ackley Improved Load Data, 300 Rem Short Action Ultra Magnum Load Data, 300 Holland & Holland (H&H) Magnum Load Data, 300 Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) Load Data, 325 Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) Load Data, 358 Shooting Times Alaskan (STA) Load Data, 375 Holland & Holland (H&H) Magnum Load Data, 45-70 Gov’t (Strong Actions Only) Load Data, 45 Colt (Single Action Army & Replicas) Load Data, 45 Colt (Ruger & T/C Contender & Encore) Load Data. Michael Malizia 3,922 views. 220 Swift This is the fastest production cartridge ever made, dating back to 1935 when Winchester introduced it in their model 54 bolt action rifle. Factory bullets are all made to give rapid expansion in light animals - which is exactly what the .220 Swift is designed for. It was the first factory-loaded rifle cartridge with a muzzle velocity of over 1,200 m/s (4,000 ft/s). The 220 Swift, like the .22-250, is prone to case stretching due to its shallow shoulder angle and long, tapering shape. Buy Xtreme Cavitator Ammo Buy Xtreme Cavitator Bullets. This is the fastest production cartridge ever made, dating back to 1935 when Winchester introduced it in their model 54 bolt action rifle. The prototype for the 220 Swift was developed in 1934–35 by Grosvenor Wotkyns who necked down the .250-3000 Savage as a means of achieving very high velocities. One 220 grain bullet is offered by Hornady, Nosler, Remington, Sierra and Woodleigh. Hi guys. This bullet grains range from 40 gr to 60 gr, and its speed ranges between 3,600 on the 60gr and 4,200 fps on the 40 gr. In addition to being two of the world's fastest .22-caliber centerfire cartridges, the .22-250 and .220 Swift rank among the oldest. Spin rates: The longer the projectile, the faster it must be spun in order to stabilize. Where I set it at 75 yards then it was a little bit of hold over or under job done. The 220 Swift was released as a factory cartridge by Winchester in 1935 after a decade or two of wildcat development. Nosler Partition bullets are available in the weights 150 grains 165 grains, 180 grains, 200 grains and a 220 grain semi point. In fact, most of the 220 grainers don't even … How does 13.5" of penetration from a 32 ACP in 10% gel sound? Origin of the 220 Swift. The .220 was the first factory loaded cartridge with a muzzle velocity (MV) in excess of 4000 fps. However, Winchester chose to base their new design on the case of a 6 mm Lee Navy, a semi-rimmed cartridge from before the turn of the century and already then heading for obsolescence. Ballistic gelatin is good as far as it goes, but there's nothing like seeing what a bullet actually does once it strikes bone, flesh, and organs. The 150 grain Scirocco performs in a very similar manner to the 150 grain Accubond, though the designs are completely different in that the Swift has a much heavier jacket. V 220 Swift 55 gr. Like all high velocity small caliber cartridges it has erratic performance on larger species unless bullets that are constructed for this purpose is used. Open up the load data page you wish to download. Load Data Downloads. First, ballistic gelatin, being all that's available for most bullet testing, is good as far as it goes but it's often far different from what we see in the morgue. Case life can be greatly increased by using a neck die, or a full-length die adjusted to partially size the case. Open up the load data page you wish to download. 4406 Rathbun Lane. Penetration in a homologous mass (like ballistic gel or elephant) is dependant on momentum. Right click on the image of the load data and use save as. As stated in the .220 Swift text, hunters should steer well clear of 40-50 grain bullets when targeting lighter medium game. Load Data &Technical Information by Cartridge. Bullets weighing 200 or 220 grains are the area with the fewest options for the .30-06 reloader. Remington 700 VSF in .220 Swift #LongLIvethe220Swift - YouTube _____ Bob from Pa If you can read and write, thank a teacher. Originally the inspiration for this design came from Grosevenor Wotkyns who was experimenting with necking down the .250-3000 Savage case. Winchester had made one big cock up, the original rifle chambered in the 220 Swift was the model 54, but the barrels were meant for.22 Hornets with 1 in 16 twists rates and softer steel properties than a normal nickel steel derivative. Which caliber would you believe to have more room for showing a newcomer the discipline of shooting long range? Load Data &Technical Information by Caliber. remington recommends our 405gr. I know .224 and .243 won't be good at 800 yards, but they can at least teach me the basics [reloading, ballistics, shooting skills, shooting position, shooting everything] before I get to the real long range. In 1935, Winchester released the.220 Swift, a truly high velocity cartridge designed for varmints and furbearers. Originally the inspiration for this design came from Grosevenor Wotkyns who was experimenting with necking down the.250-3000 Savage case. The Swift was initially chambered in the Winchester Model 54 rifle and subsequently in the Model 70 and other rifles. .220 Swift.224 Weatherby.22-250... more in Knowledgebase. The Door. The .220 Swift is a semi-rimmed rifle cartridge developed by Winchester and introduced in 1935. Although the factory ammunition is made with lighter bullets the .220 Swift will handle 55 and 60 grain bullets well. remington recommends our 405gr. Muzzleloader. P. O. Ackley, in his wildest dreams, would not have tried the 220 Swift on elephant. What the.220 Swift rank among the oldest end of the load data use. Cartridges it has erratic performance on larger species unless bullets that are constructed for this purpose is used was with! 3,550 Location: high up in the Rockies introduced in 1935 6MM Lee Navy cartridge necked down, a. Targeting lighter medium game, 2003 # 10. cheygriz member the discipline of shooting range. 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