The current world record for Ayrshire is held by Lette Farms Betty’s Ida. $72.25. Characteristics Details of Ayrshire cow: A normal adult specimen of Ayrshire breed if female weighs between 450 and 550 kg on average and the males weigh up to 830 kg. In 305 days, on twice-a-day milking, she produced 16,860 kg (37,170 pounds) of milk and 722 kg (1592 pounds) of fat. These typical Bos Indicus animals, the most important of our indigenous breeds, were the first cattle encountered by Jan van Riebeeck shortly after he had arrived at the Cape. No TB on the farm. dairy cattle brokering Make use of an international judge with over 30 years’ experience in the industry to select and value cattle, give sound advice when needed and for efficient services. In 1988 within South Africa the Ayrshire breed cattle were found to be a suitable replacement for the Simmental breed cattle as they were used by the company known as Woolworths. Browse our free classifieds site for Cattle and more in South Africa. dairy cattle brokering Make use of an international judge with over 30 years’ experience in the industry to select and value cattle, give sound advice when needed and for efficient services. Quarantining of animals according to veterinary import permit standards and requirements. Sheep: Dorper, Persian, etc. Dairy cows can also be bought at auction sales. Selection of Kangal puppies needing good homes and surrounding areas to find your next furry puppy. While the strains of cattle crossed to form the Ayrshire breed is not entirely known, evidence suggests several breeds were crossed with native cattle to create what is now known as the Ayrshire. Search … Situated in the Meyerton Region Further details or to arrange a viewing please contact Dean 0837975484 or email In South Africa, a chain of large upscale stores selling only high quality products had their cliental taste different kinds of dairy milk (Ayrshire, Holstein, and Jersey). Lactating Cows For Sale KSh 150,000 Heifer, dairy cows 2nd calving pure breed 25-38 litres production kshs150000-kshs 180000 i breed cows (farm) Our family-run, third generation enterprise is currently the longest standing livestock exporter in South Africa providing quality dairy cows, beef cattle, sheep and goats all over Africa, the Middle East, etc. Contact for more information # +1 (469) 702-0469. Healthy Bonsmara Bull/Heifer We supply live Cattle, Cows, (Bulls, Heifers, calves) live sheep & Live Goats. What are you looking for? Dairy Farming in South Africa The four main dairy breeds - Holsteins, Jerseys, Ayrshires and Guernseys - vary in terms of live weight, milk yield and milk composition, but the variations within a … Inspecting a Dairy Cow ©Ayrshire Cattle Breeders’ Society. Ayrshire Cattle Breeders' Society of South Africa Admin Manager: Mrs Olene van Vuuren Address: P. O. Box 3360, Bloemfontein, 9300 E-mail: Contact: Mrs Olene van Vuuren Telephone: 051 446 3129 Fax: 051 446 3148 Cellphone: 076 638 8609 Mar 21, 2019 - 1-The Ayrshire breed originated in the County of Ayr in Scotland, prior to 1800 and was regarded as an established breed by 1812. Calving early April on-wards. 3 registered Ayrshire heifers, rising 3 year olds. Malemba Simmentaler & Simbra Sale 17 / 02 / 2021 Sale Catalogue (PDF) Stansim Simmentaler Production Sale 20 / 02 / 2021 Sale Pamphlet Find calves in South Africa on Gumtree. Old Town Farms (Pty) Ltd® has been involved in the sale of Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and Milking Shorthorn cattle breeds through private and auction sales. Dairy Cows Exporter South Africa / Milk Cows Exporter South Africa /Ayrshire Cows Exporter South Africa / Jersey Cows Exporter South Africa / Holstein Cows Exporter South Africa / Beef Cattle Exporter South Africa / Brahman Cattle Exporter South Africa / Simbra Cattle Exporter South Africa / Sheep Exporter South Africa / Dorper sheep Exporter South Africa / Persian Sheep exporter South Africa / Goats Exporter South Africa / Boer Goats Exporter South Africa / Kalahari Red Goats South Africa, Vryburg / North West Province / South Africa. Reach Further, Faster Digikraal provides you with an easy, free and simple way to get connected with more buyers or sellers. We created Digikraal to exclusively focus on providing you with better experiences and opportunities in the marketing and selling of your cattle. We simplify animal exports by facilitating road and air transport to your desired destination. Ayrshires are strong and hardy animals and are favoured by many modern dairy farmers due to their longevity and easy calving. Tel: 07901537377 16 In calf Ayrshire heifers for sale, due February 2021. 16 In calf Ayrshire heifers for sale, due February 2021. As it turned out, our customers were impressed by its quality, and by what they described as Ayrshire milk’s delicious flavour and creamy mouth feel. Find Kangal Dogs Or Puppies for sale in South Africa. Ayrshire coats are red and white, with there being no discrimination or registry restriction on coat colour patterns. C onebella’s current herd descends from 10 Ayrshire cows that Don Gable’s grandfather, Harold, purchased in 1938 from Penshurst Farm, where his brother, John, was the herd manager. Ayrshire cattle for sale and many other … Scott Mccolm - Wigtownshire. 5 days. Ayrshire Cattle for Sale in South Africa GO BACK. Browse through the Cattle for sale in South Africa on AgriMag. The Ayrshire cattle are considered medium-sized cattle with adults ranging in weight from 900 – 1,300 pounds. From country estates to city apartments, your ideal property is just a click away. Dairy Cows Exporter South Africa / Milk Cows Exporter South Africa /Ayrshire Cows Exporter South Africa / Jersey Cows Exporter South Africa / Holstein Cows Exporter South Africa / Beef Cattle Exporter South Africa / Brahman Cattle Exporter South Africa / Simbra Cattle Exporter South Africa / Sheep Exporter South Africa / Dorper sheep Exporter South Africa / Persian Sheep exporter South Africa / Goats Exporter South Africa / Boer Goats Exporter South Africa / Kalahari Red Goats South Africa, Vryburg / North West Province / South Africa. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries about any one of the related entries below. (A taste test in South Africa pitted Ayrshire milk against that of the Holstein and Jersey and over 70% preferred the taste of Ayrshire milk.) The Ayrshire is a moderate butterfat breed. The breed can be mainly found in Canada, United States, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, South Africa, Uruguay, Republic of Ireland and the north eastern regions of England where the Durham breed cattle is still preserved to this day. Transport to destination, Animals are quarantined to veterinary requirements of the import country and have the required import/ export certificates, Established in 1955, we are a third generation exporter with more than 60 years experience and are well known for providing quality animals for export. These heifers are even and will be 27-30 months of age when calved. The history of Afrikaner cattle in South Africa is an interesting one and is closely associated with the history of the country’s people. Used. Ayrshire bulls can weigh up to 900 kilos. Tel: 01244 532108 50 - 60 Pedigree pure bred Ayrshire Heifers and 2nd Calvers available for sale now. How the different strains of cattle were crossed to form the breed known as Ayrshire is not exactly known. Browse our free classifieds site for Cattle and more in South Africa. As they lack the yellow tallow characteristic that reduces carcass value, bull calves can be raised profitably as steers. Dairy cows: Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, ‘Slaughter value’ is usually less than their ‘genetic value’ for milk yield. The winner, hands-down, was Ayrshire, a breed of cow originally bred in the County of Ayr, in Scotland, during the 17th Century and first brought to South Africa in 1890. Ayrshire Cattle Breeders' Society of South Africa Admin Manager: Mrs Olene van Vuuren Address: P. O. Mission & Vision. Ayrshire cows are a breed of dairy cattle native to southwest Scotland that is believed to have originally originated from Holland. Black Angus Bull!!! Hooggekraal Farms is currently the longest standing livestock exporters in Africa and a third generation of quality dairy cows, beef cattle sheep and Boer goats as well as Persian and Kalashari Goats. By most standards, the Ayrshire is a medium-sized breed with the average adult weighing over 540kg (1,200 lb) at maturity. 1. During its development, it was referred to first as the Dunlop, then the Cunningham, and finally, the Ayrshire. --- There are currently no records available for display. Ayrshire Cattle for Sale in South Africa GO BACK Find below is a detailed listing of Ayrshire Cattle for Sale in South Africa. in Cattle. The Ayrshire was officially recognized by the Highland and Agricultural Society in 1814, although a herd book was not issued until 1877, when the Ayrshire Cattle Society was founded. We have very healthy Ayrshire cattle for sale ranging from Milking cows, Bulls, Cows, Cow and Calf Pairs, Bred Heifers, Replacement Heifers, Feeder Cattle, Stocker Calves. LIVESTOCK AVAILABLE  FOR EXPORT Explore 59 listings for Cows for sale in South Africa at best prices. From country estates to city apartments, your ideal property is just a click away. In calf to Garthland RedHot. Ayrshire cattle are a breed of dairy cattle originating in Ayrshire, Scotland before 1800. 1917 Springfield MA NEW ENGLAND AYRSHIRE CLUB CATTLE SALE CATALOG BOOK farm cow . home; be manager taxation; prospectus; registration; login enrolled students; open menu 2 recently calves (end of April) 1 due to calve in May. Our family-run, third generation enterprise is currently the longest standing livestock exporter in South Africa providing quality dairy cows, beef cattle, sheep and goats all over Africa, the Middle East, etc. Find cattle for sale in South Africa on Gumtree. The shades of red can range from the very light to what can appear to be almost black in contrast to white markings. Your details have also been sent to the dealer. Attending auctions beforehand gives an indication of sale prices and the quality of animals on sale. Ayrshires respond to good management and feeding practices and individual Ayrshire herds average as high as 5,4 tons (17,000 pounds) of milk and over 300 kg (700 pounds) of butterfat. On occasion, a red pigmentation can be found on the skin under white hair. Reach Further, Faster Digikraal provides you with an easy, free and simple way to get connected with more buyers or sellers. Tel: 07901537377. Livestock farms for sale in Ayrshire, Scotland from Savills, world leading estate agents. Welcome to Hooggekraal Farms. Explore 34 listings for Calves for sale in South Africa at best prices. Top producing Ayrshires regularly exceed 20,000 pounds of milk in their lactations. Also: Pure Guernsey Heifers, 1 Jersey x Ayrshire Heifer and 1 Pure Guernsey Bull The cheapest offer starts at R 50. My Gumtree. Breeders and Cattlemen can find Shorthorn Cattle available for purchase at a number of farms including: When necessary, they also require comparatively less grain to keep them in condition compared to other similar breeds. Check it out! Cattle of all breeds – both dairy and beef – as well as sheep and goats have been supplied for export to worldwide markets. Decades of experience in livestock exports Consider buying older lactating cows as their sale price may be lower because of less demand for older animals. Gestroopte teff . Usually a veterinary surgeon at an auction will issue a certificate of health for all the animals on sale and the auctioneer will indicate any problems with a specific animal. In calf to Garthland RedHot. Box 3360, Bloemfontein, 9300 E-mail: Contact: Mrs Olene van Vuuren Telephone: 051 446 3129 Fax: 051 446 3148 Cellphone: 076 638 8609 call us today! Alert Filters: Cattle in South Africa (Keyword: ... 4 Photo(s) 6 Calves For Sale . The cheapest offer starts at R 123. (A sale catalogue may already be available on the database before it has been linked to the sale pamphlet.) Properties for sale in Ayrshire, Scotland from Savills, world leading estate agents. Pre-Owned. Contact dealer on: 0840862599. Beef cattle: Brahaman, Bonsmara, Simbra, and other breeds We offer well-equipped facilities in Vryburg, North West province, South Africa. Dairy Farming in South Africa The four main dairy breeds - Holsteins, Jerseys, Ayrshires and Guernseys - vary in terms of live weight, milk yield and milk composition, but the variations within a specific breed are similarly large. The Ayrshire breed has been part of South Africa’s dairy history for almost a hundred years and in fact will be celebrating the centenary of the Ayrshire society in 2017. Colour markings can vary from being a mix of red and white, to almost entirely red or white. Date Posted: 8 th January 2021. +924237500490 +923105330138 . In 1955, my late father Joe Scher started a dairy farm in the Western Cape, where we milked more than 500 cows three times a day. The breed is not subject to excessive foot and leg problems and excels in udder conformation. Over 70% preferred the taste of Ayrshire milk over all the other milk. Goats: Boer, Kalahari Red 2 and a half Years Old R25000.00 No Vat. If you are interested in purchasing Ayrshire cattle, please get in touch. The cattle were recognized as a distinct breed in 1814 by the Highland and Agricultural Society. Welcome. In a cow-calf herd, profit is expressed by the percentage of calf crop (the number of calves weaned per hundred cows mated). Spots tend to be jagged, are small and scattered over the cow’s body with distinct breaks between the red and white hair. Ayrshire cattle, Cows, Heifer and Calves for sale, our cattle are up to date on their shots, health cattle for all purposes. AYRSHIRE CATTLE FOR SALE We have very healthy Ayrshire cattle for sale ranging from Milking cows,Bulls ,Cows ,Cow and Calf Pairs ,Bred Heifers ,Replacement Heifers ,Feeder Cattle,Stocker Calves.Contact for more information # ... Tel: 469-702-0469 | … Date Posted: 10 th September 2020. We then started large exports of dairy cows to the DRC (Congo) and Namibia (South West Africa) followed by Malawi, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Uganda, among others. The actual average of all Ayrshires on Official DHIR test is over 12,000 pounds of milk with a 3.9% test. 7 results for Cattle in South Africa. Hooggekraal Farms is currently the longest standing livestock exporters in Africa and a third generation of quality dairy cows, beef cattle sheep and Boer goats as well as Persian and Kalashari Goats. They adapt well to various management systems, including group handling on dairy farms with free stalls and milking parlours, and perform better under pasture conditions than other major dairy breeds such as the Holstein and Friesian. The Ayrshire breed cattle are owned and bred in several countries located worldwide. In addition, Alderney cattle were imported into the Dunlop region around 1800 and influenced the evolution of the Ayrshire. Ayrshire cows from South Africa – Exporter Welcome. The Ayrshire Society of South Africa is dedicated to the well-being of its members and shall provide them with leadership and knowledge to ensure individual and collective growth and development in the Ayrshire world. Ayrshire cattle are red and white in appearance, with the … livestock exporters from south africa for over 60 years. Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa June 11, 2020 We currently have the following available for sale: Bonsmara, Brahman, Nguni Heifers (Between 9 – 24 Months, Weight 359 … CATTLE ads on AgriMag in South Africa. Check it out! The weaning weight of the calves, the cost of maintaining breeding animals, and the sale … We created Digikraal to exclusively focus on providing you with better experiences and opportunities in the marketing and selling of your cattle. Quality animals We offer the following: These heifers are even and will be 27-30 months of age when calved. Dairy Farming in South Africa. As a cattle producer, your main concern is profit. Ayrshires are a unique breed of dairy cow that originated in Ayr in Scotland and were imported to South Africa by ship, by the early breeders. Welcome to Hooggekraal Farms. Ayrshire Cattle for Sale. While brindle and roan colour patterns do exist, they are becoming increasingly rare. 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