Getting out of work on time is about managing that workflow on your timeline, not the other way around. It happens to the best of us, and for most of us, when it does, it makes for a stress-filled morning.. Quarantine keeps someone who might have been exposed to the virus away from others. Is AWOL for any amount of time and meets any of these criteria: Sets a good example for your children and others who look up to you. Is under the duty or travel restrictions that DoD 5200.2-R/AFI 31-501 imposes. That time your alarm mysteriously didn’t go off, you couldn’t find your keys, and the train was late. This attitude towards time is very common among young people and people without demanding or busy schedules. The Team Impact of Coming in Late to Work. Indicates that you honor your commitments and you can be trusted. Returning to work after quarantine or isolation. Therefore, an employee that is continually late is effectively stealing time from the company. If you do this, you will be on time even with little unforeseen interruptions. Coming to work on time is a must for employees. An injury at a work-sponsored party at a bowling alley, for example, would be covered; but driving to work is usually not considered a work-related activity within the context of employer liability. ). If you have to be to work at 8:00, don't even tell yourself you can walk in the door right on the dot. Why Be on Time? Learn when to start and end quarantine.. At the end of the day, managers pay their staff for their time, and they request staff to work specific hours to ensure that all the work can be completed. Isolation separates someone who is infected with the virus from others. Being late communicates more than ‘something held me back for a few […] You will be on time even if you encounter a traffic jam. It’s pretty simple: Life is short; time is precious. Has had access in the past 12 months to top secret information or other classified infor-mation that requires special access authority (see paragraph 2.2.7. We’ve all been there. Instead, say to yourself, "I have to be at work at 7:45." The answer is definitely yes. Occasional tardiness is unavoidable. Shows that you have respect for other people and that you care as much about their time as your own. But can lateness be considered a legal cause for termination without notice? Doing great work and giving your job 100% doesn’t have to mean spending hours of overtime at the office. Most people regard lateness as a minor and pardonable offence and sometimes turn up to engagements intentionally late, expecting the other party to easily forgive them. 1.5.2. But, there’s another breed of latecomers out there—those who don’t seem the least bit bothered by clocking in a little (or a lot) late for work. However, there are cases when they show up late for work. Of course, I try to get to work on time, but it never occurred to me that walking in seven minutes late (there was a multi-car accident on the freeway) would be a problem. Learn when you can be around others after being sick.. Cases of reinfection of COVID-19 have been reported but are rare. Traffic delays, for example, or unexpected personal problems affect everyone from time to time, so business owners shouldn't overreact every time an employee shows up late. Being on time: Demonstrates that you are diligent and dependable.