The 50 Best Vocab Words for the ACT Essay When taking the ACT essay section, students have 45 minutes to write a well-reasoned argumentative essay about a given prompt. This essay explains basic modal concepts, illustrates some different kinds of possibility and necessity, and briefly explains how we try to identify whether a modal claim is true or false. Examples of Argumentative Language Below are examples of signposts that are used in argumentative essays. Modality concerns the mode or way in which a claim is true or false, and how something exists or does not exist. Descriptive essay on my village mosque mormon stories essays essay on environment day in hindi modality words for High essays, thematic essay the constitution and change essays for modality High words how does technology affect our lives essay starting of narrative essay, studying abroad application essay the example of persuasive essay. Modality can be demonstrated through careful word choice and may include selective use of verbs, adverbs, adjectives (especially with ‘existing verbs’ as in is vital, ‘is’ being the existing verb) or nouns to heighten/ strengthen or weaken/lessen potency. ‘strong’ words). Underline the modality words. High modality words are more persuasive. Essay Words and Phrases . Words aren’t just strings of alphabets sewn together with ink Words are cues Words are triggers Words when used correctly can transform an “eh whatever” into “wow that’s it!” Words can make you go from literally ROFL to fuming with fury to an uncontrollable-urge-to-take-action-NOW-or-the-earth-may-stop-swinging -on-its-axis. • Words with an asterix (*) indicate high modality (ie. A set of word cards featuring a selection of low, medium and high colour-coded modality words. •Read the following sentences. Best case study design examples “often” instead of “always”; “may” instead of “must”). Use these words to make a word wall, together with the information posters explaining the differing degrees of modality. For example. “Modality” refers to how certain you are about something, so “high modality” means expressing that you are certain about something. Write (H) in the box for high modality words and (L) in the box for low modality words… In academic writing, it is often preferable to use medium modality words (e.g. The new ACT Essay prompts tend to be about “debate” topics — two sides of an … When pointing out opposing arguments (Cons): A set of 56 vocabulary words based on the degrees of modality in persuasive writing. Great for a display or as a writing aid to encourage students to use appropriate modality in their persuasive writing. Oct 3, 2018 - Includes low, medium and high modality words. Signposts enable the reader to follow our arguments easily. Great for persuasive writing! ... A worksheet to consolidate students’ understanding of high modality and low modality words. •Modality words are used to indicate the degree to which something is certain or likely to happen. High modality: must, have to, should Commands: Write, Do, Take action, Stop, Discover High modality: must not, have to, should not, never Accurate Advantage Always Announcing Bargain Beseech Best Certain Certainly Confident Convenient Definitely Delighted Easy Ecstatic Effective Emphasise Entreat Extremely Expect Freedom Good Guaranteed Health