I didn't realize it then but watering those mango trees were life lessons. 2. Vietnamese Beef and Kohlrabi Salad: Doesn’t this lettuce-free salad look so good? You can also steam, boil, bake, grill, or roast them. I put myself out there as an Artist while I still worked in Design. DIRECTIONS. will yield the crunchiest results. We don’t blame you — its alien-looking appearance is a bit disconcerting, after all — but these 12 recipes will show that there’s nothing to fear when it comes to this root. How does it differ from your rhythm before COVID? If you've ever passed by kohlrabi at the farmer's market, you may have mistaken it for a radish, a giant Brussels sprout, or even a rutabaga.Sometimes referred to as a German turnip, kohlrabi comes from the Brassica oleracea family, which includes broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens, and Brussels sprouts.It's a cool-weather crop that's at its best from early fall through spring. And so here we are. heat the oil in medium pot, fry the onion in the hot oil till tender, add meat cubes and cook on high heat until the meat changes its color, add the kohlrabi cubes and cook for additional 5 minutes. 1. Set aside a few leaves. (via Cheese and Chocolate), 3. Dev: I loved the Hip Hop scene in DC and discovered how much fun the clubs were in college. It struck me that my toddler knew who I was more than I knew myself. Bring a 3 or 4-quart pot of water to a boil, and give it a good couple pinches of salt. 4 kohlrabi bulbs with leaves 2 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 large onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 4 ounces cultivated mushrooms (I used Baby Bellas), quartered 3 Tablespoons cream (or milk, chicken stock, olive oil, or water) Salt and pepper to taste 1. I must live in a different part of Germany – we’re basically drowning in parsnips AND Kohlrabi! Kohlrabi should be trimmed and then peeled. She manages to be warm, welcoming and woke, with a focus on inclusivity, social justice and motherhood that comes through in every piece of art she creates. Remove from heat. It wasn't easy. With my sculpture background, I fell in love with Print and Packaging and why I came out here to San Francisco. Anj: What advice can you give to parents who are trying to tap into their kiddos' innate creativity? eLdritch — August 4, 2014 @ 5:56 pm Reply. Kohlrabi Bok Choy Pizza: Want to get the most of out of your kolrabi bunch? Served cold, it adds a pleasing crunch and mild spicy note to salads. Anj: What do you love about painting? Chill for several hours before serving. Update: made it again this year with fresh out-of-the-garden kohlrabi and rosemary. That's really when I really owned it. Kohlrabi is in season from July to November. Me and my family are from the island of Cebu and I'm a proud Cebuana. (via My Kitchen in the Rockies), 4. Toss kohlrabi slices in the olive oil mixture to coat. ), 19 Instant Pot Recipes for When You’re Even Too Busy for a Slow Cooker, 30 Easy Crock-Pot Meals You Can Prep in 20 Minutes or Less, 45 Beginner Instant Pot Recipes for Easy Weeknight Dinners, 15 Highly Anticipated Novels We Can't Wait to Read in 2021, 23 Adorable Nurseries Both Mama and Baby Will Love. I took care of my sisters while my parents worked night shifts. Have you seen this kooky, knobby vegetable at your local greenmarket and decided to pass it up? Kohlrabi is a rather versatile vegetable when it comes to how to prepare. A very common way of eating kohlrabi in Germany is to have them as a side dish for meats – Kohlrabi-Gemüse. (via Dishing Up The Dirt), 2. See more ideas about Recipes, Cabbage, Kohlrabi. What was your career path like before you were able to dive fully into your creative passions? My abstract works are fragments of moments. Trusted Results with Easy kohlrabi recipe. (via Gourmantine), 12. Using a slotted spoon, transfer kohlrabi and potatoes to the bowl of a food mill fitted with … My relationship with my sister led the way what women supporting women looks like. Even then I worked three jobs to be able to get through it. Kohlrabi is a great source of vitamin C, which is used by our bodies for lots of different functions, including helping our nervous system to function properly. Kohlrabi, also known as German turnip, is a member of the brassica family, which also includes kale, cauliflower and cabbage. Nature and the Sun drive my pieces. Anj: I know firsthand that community-building is huge for you. I loved it, to be creative as an Artist and as a Designer. Those silly lines can turn into a dragon or waves and next thing we know, we're drawing a big beach scene. I owe that decision to my art teacher, Mr Giles, in High School. My parents had big dreams but the move was heavy on them. Like, «you stole our spices and now you butcher our food». Kohlrabi has a sweet and mild taste, similar to cabbage heart and broccoli stem. Dice and throw them all into the pot with some more butter. Please enable targetting cookies to show this banner. Place the remaining basil into the deep cuts on the kohlrabi. Chili-Dusted Kohlrabi Fries: Cilantro lime yogurt sauce is a perfect match for these spicy baked fries. I've never had anyone tell me anything like that before. It’s become very popular to bash Jamie Oliver these days, with the fried rice incidents of his. You can use any cheese you like, however I recommend strong cheese such as Gorgonzola or Gruyere for the most flavor. Apple, Fennel + Kohlrabi Salad with Maple-Roasted Pecans: This salad is not at all short on texture and fall flavors! Dev Heyrana: Born in The Philippines and immigrated to the U.S. when I was 9 years old. As hard as it feels, you have two choices, do you let it take you down or take it one step at a time forward. Anj: What does a typical [pandemic] day look like for you? How our mango trees grew and blossomed because the dark earth was rich with nutrients. Kohlrabi Risotto: Risotto is always brilliant at cloaking vegetables, and this recipe is no exception — a whole pound of kohlrabi is stirred in! I know I still have so much more to learn but while I'm painting no matter how it's going, I'll embrace this moment. We don’t blame you — its alien-looking appearance is a bit disconcerting, after all — but these 12 recipes will show that there’s nothing to fear when it comes to this root.A cross between a potato, turnip and cabbage, it takes well to all kinds of preparations. Have some magic in their childhood no matter how small. I can talk to them about my family, motherhood, and we're all trying to balance it all while sharing my most recent project. Dev: I've been practicing being kinder to myself lately. I think about my grandparents, Lolo Jose and Lola Rita, a lot as I walk through life. ... KOHLRABI WITH HONEY BUTTER. For Grinding: Coconut – 1 cup grated Cumin Seeds / Jeerakam – 1 tsp Green Chilli – 1 Turmeric Powder – 1/2 tsp Rice Flour – 2 tsp. It’s a unique-looking vegetable that’s … Combine olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper in a large bowl. I imagine the Sun piercing through these women I depict. The following recipe will make a small casserole enough for about 2 people. Noolkol / Kohlrabi – 4 small ones Black Pepper Powder – 1 tsp Salt to taste Turmeric Powder – 1 tsp Water as needed Curd / Yogurt – 1/2 cup. As grumpy as he seemed to the class, he would tell me things like "Go into the other studio and break some glass, then put it on a canvas." Remove the kohlrabi from the broth. Cut the kohlrabi into 1/4 inch thick slices, then cut each of the slices in half. Add kohlrabi and potatoes. Rinse the basil and pluck the leaves. (via Five and Spice), 6. Rowan's preschool closed down but we were able to find a wonderful speech therapist for her and she has an Adventure Pod we go to two times a week. Mix with shredded carrots, radishes and red cabbage for a delicious slaw. Anjelika Temple: First, foundations. It can be used as a potato substitute as noted in this application. Dev: I usually take a deep breath then say or think "One step forward". We first connected at a launch event, then I asked her if she and her family would like to model for a B+C shoot (they did! It was exactly what I needed and one of the owners asked if I was interested to teach. I go out for a hike or go to the beach. It's listening, asking questions, remembering, cheering for all the wins, being there even if it's hard, and taking time to invest in them. her artwork here. This article reviews kohlrabi, including its nutrients, benefits, and many culinary uses. I kept going and it really shaped me as to why I am the way I am today. I see earth in our skin and especially when I paint people. Dev: I feel a lot of love and strength when I think of my community. A mix of being so young and having to do it on my own, I went with the school that gave me more scholarships. Looking something like a Sputnik in vegetable form, with a squat bulb and antennae-like shoots, kohlrabi is part of the cabbage family. Sunshine Bowl with Sunflower Seed Tahini Sauce: With so many bright colors and flavors, this bowlful of heathy foods is impossible to resist. Even then, I never stopped painting. Hard work is ingrained in me. Where do you live now? How to cook Turnips. Kohlrabi can be grated raw into salads, used as an alternative to celeriac in a rémoulade, or simply dressed in a garlicky, lemony vinaigrette. Now my husband and I try to have coffee together, if he has a break from his meeting, and we sit with Quinn before school to see what she has to do for the day. Pour the dressing over the slaw, and mix until fully coated. When I make decisions. Kohlrabi is a member of the cabbage family, but with a taste and texture very mild and pleasant. Larger turnips are best peeled and steamed, boiled or mashed. Watching them in their creative process is pure joy for me. It pairs well with herbs and citrus flavours so adding lemon thyme really lifts this dish. Drain and set aside on the plate you plan to serve the kohlrabi on. Kohlrabi, also known as German turnip, is a member of the brassica family, which also includes kale, cauliflower and cabbage. Peel the carrots and kohlrabi (unless they’re organic – you can eat the outside of the carrots and kohlrabi if you want). I had to grow up fast. Christine was the one who told me to go either to New York or San Francisco because "D.C. is no place for an artist like you." How all of it leads back to my heart. I studied Fine Arts at The Corcoran in DC. I found hipline when I started my first Design Job and needed an outlet. Something I didn't realize was that kids my age didn't do those things until I got older. I am more fearless because of my girls. Where did you grow up? I own my body, I thank people when they compliment me, and I am selective but fearless when I use my voice. Kohlrabi, if you are unfamiliar, is a vegetable in the Brassica family along with cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower- and is just as nutrient-dense. Heather Sage is a gluten-free recipe developer and freelance writer living in Orlando by way of the Silicon Valley. Talk to us about his component of your creative expression. Kohlrabi tastes great steamed, stir-fried, added to soups and stews or dipped in batter and fried to make tempura or fritters. We usually eat them raw—peeled, sliced and added to a salad or used for serving with a dip. Main Serves 4 2h 15 min Kohlrabi is really versatile: grate or slice it raw for salads, steam or boil and toss in butter and herbs or vinaigrette, stir-fry, or add to soups and stews. I think this is really when art played a big role in my life. Feel better, get smarter, and LOL a little… every week. This time I used my food processor to make the puree and used fresh minced rosemary -- probably a full tablespoon. Just peel away the outside thick skin first. If so, let us know what you made in the comments! The nutty tamari ranch is the perfect dip to serve alongside. Kohlrabi is a member of the cruciferous, or cabbage, vegetable family, with an edible bulb and also edible leaves.. What Do Kohlrabi Look Like? The kohlrabi is cut into chunks or thicker strips, cooked in vegetable broth until soft but still retaining a bite (about 10-15 minutes) and stirred into a quick white or Bechamel sauce spiced with salt, pepper and nutmeg. After a year I worked part time as a Graphic Designer and stepped down from my Creative Director position. Tell us more about what your support system and creative community looks like. Kohlrabi is also a source of folate and potassium. In a medium saucepan cook kohlrabi and carrots with chicken .... Kohlrabi Slaw Recipe. I'll say "Let's draw the biggest fish we can draw" or "how many silly lines can we make" and I let them lead me. Dev: The most radical thing I could have done in my family, I did, I went to college for Fine Arts. A cross between a potato, turnip and cabbage, it takes well to all kinds of preparations. Have you seen this kooky, knobby vegetable at your local greenmarket and decided to pass it up? Roasted with only salt, pepper and oil, this vegetarian side dish couldn’t be easier or more delicious! Spoon in the dressing and add the pancetta and a little black pepper, then toss, coating the celeriac, kohlrabi and beetroot with the dressing. Kohlrabi, also known as "German turnip," is a cultivar of cabbage and so named because the bulbous stem resembles a turnip.Both the stem and the leaves are edible, and the vegetable can be eaten raw as well as cooked. When I paint these women I want to celebrate them. Now that we're on month 8 our rhythm before covid felt more chaotic to be honest. I had my swimsuit in my backpack for whenever we decided to swim and I biked everywhere. The stem and leaves of kohlrabi are eaten as food and as a medicine. drowning in parsnips… what a … (via Wild Greens and Sardines), 5. Moved and went to Design School in 2006 and I've stayed in the Bay Area ever since, raising two girls with the love of my life. Dev: Everything. Kohlrabi Chips with Hippie Ranch Dip (Vegan): These thickly-cut chips are delicious whether you bake them in the oven or toss ’em on the grill. Feb 3, 2020 - Explore Elmwood Stock Farm's board "Recipes: Kohlrabi & Cabbage", followed by 345 people on Pinterest. I witnessed racism towards my family and didn't know how to make sense of it. Combine the kohlrabi, cabbage, carrots, onion, cilantro, and raisins (if using) in a large bowl. Shred it and mix with an egg … Add them to soups or stews. And the outrage seems to be exacerbated by the UK’s long and horrible history of colonialism. Kohlrabi. Even if it's 15 minutes, something about grounding yourself in Nature is really healing. With a toddler and a mortgage, I wanted to make sure my steps were thought out. (via The New York Times), 11. I got in and it was like having another family. (via Feasting At Home), 8. I am more in tune how I speak about myself because of them. Judgment-free doodles, always opens the doorway to more. I took a chance because of her. That is legit every person's experience upon meeting Dev Heyrana, the star of this edition of Creative Crushin'. "This is my mom, she's an Artist." I felt like we were always rushing out the door while carrying so many bags. Free to express myself through the stroke of my hand. (via The Local Kitchener). Now we're virtual and reaching clients all over. What is your heritage? Some days we are amazed by how smooth it went and then there are others where if the girls are clean and bellies are full, it's a total win. It is such a beautiful window into their minds. These elements I use to paint have a mind of their own and how I need to respect the process. It could be just going up for a hike by our home and picking up leaves, riding our bikes, or watching the sunset from our window. Butter-Braised Kohlrabi: Tender cubes of kohlrabi are a terrific accompaniment to all kinds of roasted meat. Cooks.com - Recipes - Kohlrabi Enter your email to signup for the Cooks.com Recipe Newsletter. haha I’ve just made Jamie Oliver’s zucchini fritters, so I must give these a try next.. thanks for sharing! My friends told me about this Hip Hop Crew I should try out for, I was so scared because I've never taken a dance class in my life. Most of the time, I'm scared (as shit) but the thought of not trying scares me more. Bake for … Avocado pastry quiche, from 7 Ways, by Jamie Oliver. Anj: Shifting gears to HIP HOP DANCE! Dev said yes! Anj: You reference your roots quite a bit in your work. (via Jeanette’s Healthy Living), 9. Do you have tips you can share? Place the kohlrabi, cut side down, in a greased baking dish. In a smaller bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise, cider vinegar, sugar, and salt. Kohlrabi, also known as German turnip, is a cruciferous vegetable that offers various health benefits. I was a quiet kid and observed everything and everyone around me. We competed all over the East Coast, it was a blast! What is Kohlrabi? Quick Kohlrabi Kimchi: Why yes, we can pickle that, too! Peel 6 kohlrabi and cut into 1-inch wedges; toss with 2 tablespoons olive oil, 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt and a pinch of cayenne on a rimmed baking sheet. Anj: When you get creatively blocked or burnt out, how do you reset? Kohlrabi can be eaten cooked or raw. All parts of the kohlrabi can be eaten, both raw and cooked. Have you ever cooked with kohlrabi before? That experience almost broke me and what got me through was my family and painting in bed while I recovered. Serve as a side, or with a green salad … When she isn’t playing around with alternative flours in the kitchen, she can be found tackling DIY projects around the house or exploring her neighborhood. The name translates from German as ‘turnip cabbage’ and the mild, sweet flavour is somewhere between a turnip and a water chestnut, with a crisp, crunchy texture. Vegan Cream of Kohlrabi Soup: A handful of raw cashews are employed to impart this vegan soup with a cream-less creaminess. When I finally got back on my feet, my heart just wasn't in Graphic Design anymore. This is a great way to get kids to eat their kohlrabi! For more on this brilliant artist, mother and friend, follow Dev @_heyrana on Instagram and check out (and buy!) A few years ago I went through a pretty hard time with my health. Dev: One of my earliest memories is of my Lolo Jose teaching me how to water mango saplings. Keep it in mind this winter. Trim the kohlrabi bulbs, peeling them if the skins seem tough. The one thing we really try to do is go outside once a day. Like the sunset I grew up with when I was seven years old in the Philippines, like how I saw the water in Cebu when I dove in as a young adult, and like when I saw the redwoods with my children for the first time. Kohlrabi, which can be green or purple, is a bulbous vegetable surrounded by two layers of stiff leaves attached in a rosette, like a cabbage. This clean and simple cauliflower purée is made by simmering and then puréeing cauliflower and aromatics in a liquid, like cream or chicken stock. The word Kohlrabi … Small turnips are delicious raw – eat whole or slice thinly. Dev: I don't have a lot of guidelines set up. Alternatively, you can steam, roast or braise the roots. I also am sharing a studio with my good friend, Naomi PQ, and I feel like my creative drive is just beginning. She told me to not listen to anyone, how I can still paint, be a graphic designer, and, if I choose to, have a family. The way me and my sister show up for each other is why I have these amazing women in my life. How has motherhood changed your approach to creating artwork? I've been teaching there since 2009 and am still going strong. It's a wonderful community of women. He was retiring and wore a Hawaiian shirt every day during my senior year. It has long leafy greens that shoot out from the top. I appreciated the security of having a career in Graphic Design. Then … Spicy Red Cabbage Kohlrabi Salad: We’re ready to drizzle the kicky jalapeño dressing on just about everything. I feel really blessed especially looking back in my college years where I don't know where Art would take me. Both me and my husband work full time and so having the girls at home is a challenge. And for those that know her, none of these serendipitous moments are surprising. It was something I could escape in and always felt healing. If my work as an Artist balances out with my salary then I would quit in the Summer of 2019. Add the … Anj: You are one of those magical human beings that has figured out how to be a full-time artist. I still imagine him walking beside me often, carrying his teachings as I find my way in this world. So I made a two year plan. It’s a unique-looking vegetable that’s a cross between a broccoli stalk and an apple. My childhood in the Philippines felt like freedom. Anjelika Temple here, co-founder of Brit + Co and one of many humans who has benefitted from Dev's boundless generosity and kindness. By the age of 12 I would cook dinner and get my sisters ready for bed. Dev: Like every part of me is free. My advice would be that you can suggest something to start it off but be open to how they take it. One day Quinn, who was 3 years old at the time introduced me at the park to a mom. It’s best eaten raw, so finely slicing on a mandolin (use the guard!) I looked at 2018 as my year to make the jump. Melt the butter in the same pot, and then sprinkle the flour over. Made into fritters. Check out her gluten-free recipe blog. I notice how I embrace myself is translated in my paintings. I was still deep in my Design Career and I would paint at home. He was a curmudgeon and I felt incredibly special since out of everyone in the school he really believed in me. What did you study in school? Overview Information Kohlrabi is a vegetable that is similar to cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard, and Brussels sprout. I've had incredible mentors and all were teachers. Korean Beef Tacos with Cabbage and Kohlrabi: Cabbage, kohlrabi and onion are quick-pickled to create the crunchy slaw that makes these tacos tops. (via Vegan Miam), 10. 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