Tahoe Trail Guide and its contributors are not liable for property loss or damage, personal injury, or death. Hey Mark, thanks so much for the kind words and feedback! Metal scrape the bases to remove tar and old wax. … Jared: “We were so grateful to discover that they all came pre-drilled! And after the bindings have been mounted to the skis, generally the only other times we consider them is when they break or don’t work as expected. Here is the NIS plate for pre-drilled Atomic and Salomon skis or skis that have had an SNS binding: https://rottefella.no/bindinger/tilbehor/langrenn/rottefella-xcelerator-mounting-plate-796. Snow Jen Q October 04, 2016 upcycle, recycle, old skis, skiing 2 Comments 8 Awesome Ways To Upcycle Your Old Skis Snow Jen Q October 04, 2016 upcycle , recycle , old skis , skiing 2 Comments These bindings are used for both skate skiing and classic cross-country skiing but have different designs for each. Ensure your boots and binding are the same format. Hello, and thanks for your reply! Shop online today! Thank you. Whatever you do, stay away from the old foam-injected skis. Again, thanks for the feedback! Pilot boots will work with SNS Profil and Pilot bindings. If you have SNS ski boots, it will work just with SNS cross-country ski bindings.… The foot needs to be snug (not too tight) in the boot to provide control over the ski, but comfortable enough to wiggle your toes and flex your feet. If you still want to ski on your old skis, then sharpen the edges, clean and wax the base, make sure you bindings are safe (see below). I imagine temperatures affect the fit of the binding on the plate, too. Since you use a lot of the same equipment for both cross country skiing and roller skiing … Now one has to learn that NNN, Prolink and Turnamic are compatible. Second, kids equipment is a hot commodity and your chances of recovering a good portion of your investment is high. Yes, I have heard people complain about looseness with NIS but I have never experienced it myself. No big deal if you have money to burn, but having to rent a whole cross-country ski package when you already own a full setup (but forgot one of its components) can be frustrating. Here's what to watch for. Your boot has to be designed to fit the binding on your ski, or you won't be able to attach yourself to it. Cross-country ski bindings from The House are just what you need to start your next great Nordic ski adventure. And being frustrated, especially under difficult circumstances, can lead to making poor decisions. Anyhow, that’s was my take away trying to come up with a “minimalist” purchasing strategy. I recall one specific example three seasons ago where a customer came to me with his NIS/NNN system. This was, however, countered by Rottefella through its introduction of an NIS mounting plate with that same screw hole pattern. 13 sold. Yeah, the plate completely ripping off definitely doesn’t sound good for business! . Breath new life into your older cross country ski equipment with a "Binding Transplant". ← Older Post Some skis are soft (you can squeeze the bases together easily with your hands) and some are stiffer. First, if you want your children to enjoy skiing, they need equipment they will be successful in. On any busy day at the Nordic center, I bear witness to dozens and dozens of different binding systems that all perform the same basic function but are not necessarily compatible. Yes, in the case of Atomic and Salomon pre-drilling their skis with the Prolink/SNS screw hole pattern it was quite obvious. Water into the ski could fill and water log the wood or foam core. The next thing to deal with is the circular ridge of material that has built up around the old binding … Your Online Resource for Hiking, Backpacking, Cross-Country Skiing, and Snowshoeing at Lake Tahoe. Your safety is your responsibility. So if you have NNN ski boots, you can use them just with NNN bindings. . It is not as simple as measuring a ski length to the wrist. Suffice it to say that for thousands of years people have been attempting to develop ski bindings that don’t lacerate, chafe, or crush their toes, feet, or ankles, cause them to break their ankles or knees in a fall, inhibit blood circulation which can lead to frostbite, wreck or destroy their boots, or simply break free from the ski. Nice conditions to wake up to today ❄❄❄ Since the old 75mm 3-pin system there have been a lot of binding upgrades, and each one is different. Please note that I wrote Cross-Country Skiing Explained with the beginner or intermediate cross-country skier in mind. This definitely caused the skier to have some confidence issues with regard to his ability to control his skis, but I assume it was a fluke because it seems like the locking mechanisms are a bit more effective nowadays. Make sure you're not buying alpine equipment. And, although you’re clicked into the binding with that bar, think of this union more as a hinge rather than a fixed locking mechanism. Funny, though, because you’d think winter would be the more harsher climate . And although most contemporary NNN platforms are slightly wider than the actual ski (there’s some overhang on both sides), I feel like I’m more connected to the ski as a result. G3 ZED 12. Bindings. If you’re using classic track skis and boots or light touring gear, the boots will have firm soles but soft uppers. It can be difficult to spend money on kid's equipment when you know they are going to outgrow it in a season. Needless to say, he had a fairly long walk back to the rental shop. Call it the blessing and the curse of a free market. Extruded bases are often plasticy looking and light coloured; these are durable but don't hold wax well so you won't get an easy glide. haha, Anyway, I hope you have adequate snow to go out and try your new (and renewed!) Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite … They have a 75mm wide ‘duck bill’ at the front of the boot, with three holes on the bottom of the bill that line up with the pins on their appropriate binding… $34.99. Thanks, Magnus! At the beginning, it is good to know what the abbreviations mean. Fibreglass and carbon layers add stiffness and structure to a ski. One last aspect about using manual bindings in the backcountry is that they are easier to clean out any snow and ice that’s found its way into the locking mechanism. Why isn’t there a standard binding used in cross-country skiing? Mark: “[…] (including 20 years of prior compatibility).”. This interface is, and probably will always be, the Achilles’ heel of invention. 5.0 out of 5 stars 2. I suspect, however, that the real reason many of us take ski bindings for granted is due to their evolution and subsequent standardization. Get the best deals on Cross-country Skiing Ski, ... New NOS Salomon SR Automatic 2 Cross Country Ski Bindings SNS Binding 923003. Ski Binding … Hey Magnus, Cable bindings remained in use for some time for cross-country, and are today popular for telemark skiing. Assuming the cross-country ski bindings have been mounted in the standard position (pin line directly over the balance point of the ski), the ball of your foot will basically be at the apex of a classic ski’s second camber. Jared: “I can see why each ski manufacturer would have such unique interfaces — they want you to buy their bindings!”. Traditional alpine ski bindings lock the boot onto the ski. Saul shows you where the screws are hidden on various bindings. For more information about this concept, read Cross-Country Skiing Explained (Part 3): Grip Zone of Classic Cross-Country Skis. Too small of a binding on too wide of a ski will not provide enough leverage to make clean turns and may actually result in you snapping the binding clear off of the ski (due to torsional forces).Too big of a binding will hang over the edges of the skis and affect performance when edging or turning, as well as possibly putting too much torque on the ski. When buying equipment for cross country skis (also named nordic skiing) and roller skis, you have to ensure that the bindings and the footwear you choose are compatible. What ski boots you have: Make sure your ski bindings … Many thanks, Jared, and thank you for your well written and interesting texts here at Tahoe Trail Guide. A classic ski that is correctly sized for you will be stiff enough to keep the kick zone off the snow in the glide phase yet be soft enough for you to compress during your kick. Where do we start? Sometimes bindings will last longer than skis, but I'm guessing these are outdated, unsafe bindings we're talking about. For more information on binding types, click here. I would estimate that this occurs about 50% of the time. Posted by Eb's Adventure Regarding Turnamic, its plate and binding is also a technical step forward in the development of mounting plates and movable bindings. The reason for this is that manufacturers design their boots to work with certain types of bindings. After the accidents with the binding sliding off the plate, Rottefella started to demand that the NIS bindings for roller skis must be attached with a screw through the binding down into the plate (making the binding non-adjustable). In Recognition For Your Exhibited Stewardship As An Individual On Behalf Of The Sierra! Usually a mistake made only once. The type of base is also important as it determines what your glide will be like. Looks like a relatively straightforward process to mount the plates. For a rough check if skis are sized correctly, do the Paper Test. The design and construction of skis (and their bindings) is representative of any invention that’s required a direct human interface to operate. Yet the bindings still need to provide adequate control with which to run the ski and feature a relatively easy release mechanism. You just need to be aware that there’s no true standardization across the board for cross-country ski bindings. NNN means New Nordic Norm. However there are many levels of sintered base qualities and it often doesn't specify on the ski what type it is. Very dangerous! on November 04, 2016. All this made Prolink bindings very popular on roller skis. Clearly, each manufacturer will argue this point, but unless you’re an avid racer or World Cup skier, you’re probably not going to notice a huge difference in performance. Better to just reach down and unlock the binding with your hand and then immediately flip the ski on its side or upside down so it doesn’t slide away. Many quality skis are made with wood cores with air channels of some kind, or dense foam. In addition to the toe binding… Many Fischer and Rossignol skis are on the soft side, Salomon skis tend to be on the stiffer side. Bindings for Skate Skis, Cross-Country Touring Skis and Race and Performance Classic Skis For many years, New Nordic Norm (NNN) and Salomon Nordic System (SNS) were the two … I was able to wiggle the entire binding even though it was “locked” to the plate. Stand on the bindings of the skis with weight equally distributed. I thought they were only factory-fused to the ski. There are so many different types and qualities of skis it is almost impossible to know what you're getting without prior knowledge. This article isn’t about how to mount bindings, but I did want to mention a couple notes about the task since I briefly introduced the topic above. Very comprehensive website and series of videos Jared, so thank you! Now, also Turnamic has its moutning plate, IFP, in a version for the Prolink/SNS screw hole pattern. Curbside Pickup Available NOW! All rights reserved. As a result we were able to mount all of the bindings in less than two days. Your boot has to be designed to fit the binding on your ski, or you won't be able to attach yourself to it. With most modern flat decked skis its generally possible to change the binding system by removing the old binding and mounting (drilling and screwing) a new binding system onto the ski deck. – the Eb’s crew. NNN boots have two narrow grooves down the sole of the boot and SNS boots only have one, wider, groove. One can also add that Prolink was introduced in 2016 and that it is a cooperation between Salomon and Atomic, just like Turnamic is between Fischer and Rossignol. I can see why each ski manufacturer would have such unique interfaces — they want you to buy their bindings! You should be able to get the paper to "stick" momentarily if you bounce your weight up and down on the ski, as this simulates applying your kick during the skating action when you want the full length of the ski against the snow for a brief moment. For an old set of 30 year old Finnish waxless classic skis I found I was able to mount a pair of Salomon Prolink classic manual bindings and keep compatibility the same with the Prolink combi boots I bought. Hard to say what shape your mom’s skis from the 80’s are in without seeing them. 75mm, or 3-pin, boots are the most obviously distinctive family of nordic ski boots. It also sounds like you’re taking a solid approach to building your collection of gear by making everything the same type of binding. So it shouldn’t be a huge surprise that, although ski design and construction has definitely evolved over the millennia, bindings have truly been the crux of the sport (or mode of transportation and survival). Some wear here is natural, but if the base material looks thin anywhere or there are some deep gouges, pass on them. Per the Associates Program Operating Agreement I must disclose the following statement: “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), XC Skiing Explained (Part 4): Classic Cross-Country Ski Bindings, Lots of whumping and collapsing in the Tahoe snowp. However, Salomon’s Prolink is actually not an SNS binding. Sintered bases hold wax better, making your ski experience a lot more pleasant as you won't be working as hard. The basic idea is that you don’t want a small binding on a wide ski or a large binding on a thin ski. Get the best deals on Salomon Cross-country Skiing Ski, Snowboard & Snowshoe Bindings when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. Always be prepared for the worst case scenario. Interesting history about the plates and roller skis. At the other end of this spectrum is to mount the binding so the pin line is just forward of the balance point. They’re not nearly as sexy as the actual skis or ski boots and they don’t require much attention after they’ve been mounted. Otherwise if you clean them up and make sure there are no broken/degraded parts they should work ok. Other than keeping them free of debris and periodically checking them for wear and tear, there really isn’t much more to do with them. You never know, there might be someone out there interested in your knickers and socks. Bindings are for safety and comfort. Stand on one foot now. Another worst case scenario that can occur with auto bindings in the backcountry is that while trying to disengage from it, the opposing forces (pushing on the release button with the ski pole tip while pulling your boot away from the binding) can cause the ski to fly down the trail or off the mountain. We offer a selection of cross country ski bindings in NNN, NIS and SNS format. You can pick these out because they have a little "button" scar on the sidewall where the foam was injected. How do you remove old bindings from cross country skis? Hi Glen, Thanks Jared, for a very comprehensive overview. Interesting about the sand issue for summer months, though. I was able to find some Prolink Salomon boots for my wife and myself, as well as some Orbiter IFP waxless skis on closeout, and it seems like NNN (for new users) might make the most sense (including 20 years of prior compatibility). For cross country skiing, this type of binding is an excellent choice. Measure the pole to the point where the strap comes out of the grip. Why? This 75mm system was developed in 1927 by Rottefella, which in Norwegian translates to "rat trap". At least the actual NNN platform accommodates any NNN boot. You want to know something funny, though? I basically treat these articles as extensions of the conversations I’ve had with those customers. Just know that I don’t intend to address racing-oriented philosophy, technique, or gear selection. That includes current boots and bindings, skis, and poles. I find it best to marry the size of the binding to the size of the ski. It’s nice having a boot that’s compatible with all of the common binding systems available (for those times you find some good skis that already have bindings on them and you don’t want to remount new bindings), but you end up with a lot of gear to store and maintain! For this series of articles about classic cross-country skiing, I simply decided to write about the bindings first because they function hand-in-hand with the design of the ski, and the flow of information from ski to binding to boot seemed more natural than from ski to boot to binding. There are two main types of bindings: the New Nordic Norm (NNN) System, and the Salomon Nordic System (SNS). This zone should reach from approximately your heel to about a binding length in front of your toe, and you can mark it on your skis with a crayon/marker so you know where to apply your kick wax. Manufacturers do not allow ski service people to service bindings … And each manufacturer designs their boots based on what they perceive to be an idealized foot. They don't need much of an excuse to upgrade their equipment and are usually keen to make some of that money back by selling their used - but high quality - gear. Kids Cross Country Ski Package w/Kid Beginner Ski Poles & Junior/Youth Cross Country Skis – Step-in Bindings for Any Boot – Nordic/Cross Country Skiing Training – Versatile Snow Skis for Kids 6–11. You’re welcome! Still have some of the clothing, but I have long since outgrown it. Is the torque and stress placed upon the binding system for roller skis a lot greater than their winter counterparts? I’m trying to discover if my mom’s cross country skis from the 80’s are still useable. I’m definitely going to have to update this page soon. What a great read! There are no small, medium, or large versions of track ski bindings, but they do adjust to accommodate ski boots of different sizes. gear. Although I’ve discussed bindings before boots in this article, know that they should be addressed at the same time if you’re a beginner cross-country skier purchasing new gear (or gear new to you). I was looking at some examples yesterday. Anyhow, that’s was my take away trying to come up with a “minimalist” purchasing strategy.”. We host a Junior Ski Swap every November where you can buy and sell kid's nordic equipment, and it is always well attended. Funny. 2. For kids: the most important factor in sizing children's classic skis is their ability to fully compress the ski with one foot. In this example, their weight is set back slightly allowing the ski tips to float more when skiing downhill in deeper snow. Tahoe Trail Guide copyright © 2016-2020 by Jared Manninen. However, some people will alter their bindings so that the pin line is set just behind the balance point. While there’s no right or wrong answer as to what brand of cross-country ski binding to use, there are more effective choices in types of bindings based on intended use. Did you mount only Prolink bindings or did you also use the NIS and IFP plates with the corresponding screw hole pattern? FROGG TOGGS Mens Winchester Viiper Snake Boot. Assuming the cross-country ski bindings have been mounted in the standard position (pin line directly over the balance point of the ski), the ball of your foot will basically be at the apex of a classic ski’s second camber. Shop for Cross-Country Ski Bindings at REI - FREE SHIPPING With $50 minimum purchase. When standing flat on only one foot, the paper should only slide about 6-8" or so. The ski boot needs to move freely in relation to the binding for you to properly execute diagonal striding. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee I will continue my study of them and try to update this page with updated info related to the subject. We just mounted the Prolink bindings to the skis. As a result we were able to mount all of the bindings in less than two days.”. However, the Rottefella design from the 1930s became more popular for Nordic skiing through the 1950s and into the 1970s until the Salomon Nordic System (SNS) binding entirely re-invented bindings used for Nordic skiing. Without bindings, our skis would be rendered useless for they are the direct interface between human and technology (skis). The old holes need to be filled so that water does not seep into the ski. Plus mounting and waxing included. Definitely a good point, especially now that there are so many variations. I work at an xc ski resort during the winter and it’s always a challenge explaining to people that the boots and skis they just bought used at a ski swap are incompatible, for example. Make friends with local racers. Newer Post →, Hi Marianna, Alpine equipment is meant for downhill skiing and there is no way you can make this stuff work for you on a cross country trail. 99. My recommendation is to just mount your bindings in the standard position so as to avoid inconsistent performance. If you get skis too soft for you, you will be working really hard to go anywhere as the skis will be dragging along the snow. If you don’t, I’d be more than happy to send you a couple of feet of snow from Tahoe because we’ve been getting pounded by it the past few weeks. old as f— skis and bindings that still get pulled out of the attic once a year). an NNN BC boot manufactured today will work with an NNN BC binding made years ago), Three pins that seat into the “duckbill” of the ski boot, as well as a bail that locks down over the duckbill, Appropriate for off-track/backcountry touring skis with tips wider than 90mm and waists wider than 60mm, 3-Pin used to be the standard binding found on cross-country skis, but was eventually determined to be too much binding for contemporary recreational cross-country skiers using modern, thinner track skis (replaced by NNN), 3-Pin bindings have been around for decades and are compatible with standard 3-Pin boots (i.e. I had always just treated SNS as a proprietary term used by Salomon for every binding since it’s just an acronym for “Salomon Nordic System.” Clearly they’re differentiating between everything they’ve produced prior to Prolink. It's a little more challenging to repurpose ski bindings, but I've seen some interesting … However, by placing the binding back, you also make it so that when you raise the ski with your boot, the tip will drop. FREE Shipping by Amazon. Well, why do some people prefer iPhones while others prefer Androids? Many beginner and intermediate cross-country skiers aren’t aware of this discrepancy. Another aspect of ski bindings worth writing about is the interface between bindings and skis with screw hole patterns, pre-drilled skis and the different mounting plates. For example, I’ve mounted a 3-Pin binding on my Fischer S-Bound 112s, but an NNN BC (auto) binding on my Fischer Spider 62s. Except for the 3-pin variety, all of these bindings accept a small metal bar (found at the toe of a ski boot) which connects the boot to the binding. You can buy nearly any alpine ski boot from any manufacturer and then wear it with any set of rental skis (and bindings) at any downhill resort or ski shop across the country thanks to standardization. a cross-country skiing 3-Pin boot manufactured today will work with a 3-Pin binding made years ago), Standard cross-country ski 3-Pin bindings are very basic and don’t usually incorporate cables into their design (to secure the heel of the ski boot), although you can mount lighter duty cable 3-Pin bindings to backcountry xc skis if you desire (these types often have a removable cable that you can fix to the binding before your descent), Variations include auto versions, as well as manual locking mechanisms, Two lightweight bars system with the first bar to connect the toe of the boot to the binding and the second to click into a spring loaded return mechanism at the ball of the foot, The Pilot platform feels more narrow to me and is slightly taller than NNN or SNS Profil, SNS Pilot bindings are ideal for skate skis (thanks to the second bar) rather than classic skis, but still can be used for classic skiing and are fine for track skis and a very lightweight touring setup (i.e. Raise up on the ball of this foot as if you are kicking off the snow. Cheers, Can you change the bindings on your older skis to fit new boots? not recommended for off-track/backcountry skis wider than 60mm), An SNS binding that is designed more for classic skiing and is compatible with Pilot boots because it features a gap large enough to let the second bar of the boots sit untouched, One lightweight bar system with a relatively shallow platform, Some Profil bindings accommodate some Pilot boots (not the other way around), but finding matches can be like winning the lottery, This is older technology and will eventually be obsolete, but you can still find the bindings and boots on the market. Good luck! This point should come mid-shoulder for classic style (the traditional way of skiing). These skis lose their camber over time and the core material can break down. To try to describe all of the historical mechanisms and manifestations of ski bindings would be encyclopedic in length, and is a lesson best saved for another day. Sep 13, 2012 - Explore Jennifer Gilhula's board "what to do with old skis", followed by 103 people on Pinterest. I will say this, though, that at the beginning of this season me and my co-worker had to mount 40-60 bindings on a bunch of new Salomon skis for our rental fleet. Keep in mind however skis that are too long or stiff for you will be hard to control and skis that are too short or soft won't glide as well, making skating difficult at best. I’m not going to list every possible variation of every binding on the market for there are way too many options, but the following list represent the majority of what’s available and in use today. , technique, or two alpine ski bindings boot onto the ski can give you a clue sometimes, had! Causes the ski interested in your knickers and socks bindings lock the and. M xc skiing at this point in the 80 ’ s also throw into the backcountry we seen... The latest in ski and binding is an excellent choice one is different accommodates. 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