Accept their offer to walk with them. Once done, head to the office to trigger a cutscene with him. Yakuza: Dead Souls Press J to jump to the feed. #54 – Luka at Sega Hi-Tech Land For Majima, you need to complete friendship with the Komian's Chef. After getting Bun-Chan, hand it over to the man to complete the first task of this substory. Requirements: Chapter 4 Interact with them to start the substory. But not with her. The matches you sell will be a hit and will give her enough money to buy what she wants. Does it exist in this game and if so where? The world of Yakuza 0 contains a myriad of Substories for both Kiryu and Majima.These Substories can be found in many different streets and alleys. As long as you find a throw you’re comfortable with, it will be easier to master it so you can easily land strikes. (1). Talk to the guy in a suit beside the white van near the establishment’s entrance and give him the Glasses and to receive a Super Strength Adhesive Tape in return. You’ll then need to the Champion District. Yakuza 0 — Guide and ... Next, select "Your father's not around?" Like before, have the staff change the prizes until you see one. After the scene, you’ll be thrown in a one-on-one fight against the assassin who’s out to get you. A long-standing tradition in the Yakuza series are substories. The following is a list of substories for the game Yakuza Kiwami. Video version ( If you played well and he made mistakes in the same match, you’re guaranteed to win. These become available after the final fight with Kuze. For Yakuza 0 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Substory 23 in PA not showing". Listen to her story to complete this quest. Like before, leave the arcade and come back again to find him with another request. I am painstakingly going through IGN list to find substories! To get the Poundmates app, you first have to complete 'Substory 5: A Trip to Pound Town'. He'll introduce himself as Tatsu and shortly after, he'll receive a message from Gen-san, the old man from earlier. Head to West Park which is a short run at the end of the street from your position. Note: In order to start this substory, you must leave Haruka in Stardust. Once outside, you'll be met by thugs. There's really no easy way out of this but to practice and get accustomed to the machine. In Yakuza Kiwami I bought a Substory locator with CP I believe. Yakuza 0 | The Fighter's Crown - Duration: 11:25. Clear Substory #6: The Fake Mizuki’s Truth. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... Disco vs Ogita substory ... Last edited by A sober Irish man; Sep 14 @ 10:47am < > Showing 1-11 of 11 comments . Head over to the clinic then head inside. Kiryu will request for Mizuki but since she’s not there are the moment, the hostess named Aris will assist you. There are 78 substories for this game. Then, leave the park far enough until the substory marker re-appears in the minimap then go back and talk to Miho again to complete the substory. I can’t see one on the list for 0. These become available after the final fight with Kuze. Included are conditions to unlock the side quest, objectives, locations, obtainable items, enemies, and rewards. However, I'm stuck at one (two?) 01: Be My Baby. Head in front of the store Akaushima in Tenakichi Street. Head to the alley south of the adult store, Beam, located at Pink St. North to trigger this. Yakuza 0. While walking around with Haruka, head to the marked spot below in Park Blvd to trigger the cutscene. Next, head to the Dojima Family Office in Theater Avenue, northeast of Theater Square and enter the building. This can be triggered in Nakamichi Alley, right outside the Orchid Palace Mahjong Place. Check out this Yakuza 0 Goro Majima Substories Guide to find and complete them all. Yakuza Zero is the sixth main game in the Yakuza series and a prequel to the first game. Head back to her and choose any option when she leaves (buy matches, sell matches, etc.). YAKUZA 0 OST - A Job, Well Done! of the substories. Okay, the baccarat and roulette were a pain in the ass too. Once there, approach the men to trigger a scene. Requirements: Chapter 4, Substory 17 He'll ask you if you're Kenji and answer that you are. Defeat them both to complete the substory. Hey so im in chapter 14 in yakuza 2 for the ps2. Yakuza returns with a flurry of rewarding and immersive new Substories. You are given the option to pay him or refuse. GoggleBoxFairy 5,589 views. This relationship substory is for Sumire the Blacksmith. save. Head to Bantam (1) to trigger the substory. He gives the other option of fighting him to pass. So I was trying to do substory 36 ... but the wiki I usually use for Yakuza games says that you need to talk to Chau multiple times to get the substory to continue (it actually says "talk to him and cancel 2 or 3 times"). ...I Did It for the Achievement in Yakuza 0: Watch a racy video - worth 15 Gamerscore. I can’t see one on the list for 0. While none stretches beyond half an hour of gameplay, a good number does contain enough story elements to fill up a television feature, or a novella. Yakuza 0 - Gandhara Videos - YouTube. Substory complete! 1 Plot 2 Gallery 3 Trivia 4 Navigation Kiryu overhears two women in Senryo Avenue talking about a local fortune-teller said to always predict the future accurately. Substory #52 – Crazy for Cathy Just move near a black car to engage in a fight with the Yakuza members. Confront them and deliver a satisfying, brutal judgment on them. Thanks in advance. Play along and he'll then tell you to find him in Children's Park, far west of Shichifuku St. Head there to find another homeless man sitting by the bench. For Kiryu, finish the substory "The Tax Lady". A complete walkthrough for Substory 45 - Battle of Men in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. You can still change your position after selecting a ball but once you’re already reached the power gauge, you’ll be committed to that throw so make sure to time your selection. The following is IGN's guide to the substory Suspicion of Perversion in Yakuza 0. Requirements: Chapter 6 Talk to the man again and learn that he wants to get a Bun-chan from the UFO Catcher machine by the door. Have a food item in your inventory then head to West Park (1) / Purgatory entrance and walk by the hungry kid who’s standing near a heap of trash to trigger this substory. Make your way to Public Park 3 to corner him. After giving him the sake, you’ll receive a Worn-out Coat. Next, head to Purgatory (5) and find one of the residents there having problems keeping his shack intact. You’ll receive a phone call from Yuya in Chapter 6. They’re quite fast so use Rush or Brawler Style to deal with them. Hand them their asses to finally get rid of them for good. It brings us to the Japan of 1988; when the nation was at the height of its bubble economy. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Refuse to pay and the caller will inform you that he'll send a debt collector over. Hold your ground until he calls another easy prey and get to a fight. And cat fighting. Go to the eastern end of Nakamichi Alley, near Pink Street and Orchid Mahjong Palace, and walk by the stylish woman to trigger this substory. Teach them a lesson to save Kazuha and complete the substory. Once he asks to be let of the hook, select Not a Chance. You'll be thrown in a fight against them so beat them up and send them limping away to complete the quest. You should get it after beating the Leisure and Electronics king after Ch.5. The Yakuza Remastered Collection includes Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4, and Yakuza 5, all with graphical/performance upgrades as well as previously cut content. Per farlo, comprate delle esche da Don Quixote a Showa Street, prendete un taxi ed andate al porto (Pier). A lady will ask for help in fending off a group of men that have been causing trouble in her club. La pesca è infatti uno degli svariati minigiochi di Yakuza 0. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. You’ll have to fight them next. Majima Substory #63 - The Man with the Stranger's Face (Chapter 4) Substories (or side quests) are not unique to the Yakuza series. The Visionary Fortune-teller is the 1st substory in Yakuza 0. Real best boy. To start this substory, head to the Club SEGA Arcade in Nakamichi St. As soon as you get inside, you'll find a rowdy salaryman arguing with the arcade staff. Finish the conversation with the scamming woman and the substory will be complete. Edited November 14 by cckerberos. Wow thanks for this tip! Walk by him and he'll mistakenly identify you as his son, Kenji. If it is not displayed in the machine, you can ask the arcade staff to change it any number of times until you see it in the machine. While none stretches beyond half an hour of gameplay, a good number does contain enough story elements to fill up a television feature, or a novella. Head to the mahjong parlor due south of the town (2) and give the passphrase to the doorman to enter. The former pro is a tough opponent but he’s also prone to mistakes. Can I do every single substory for both Kiryu and Majima at this point, or are there day/night exclusive substories that I can only access in Premium Adventure? Walk in Yoshioka located just outside Children's Park. Trouble finder is for sub stories and encounter finder is for potential fights, it would make more sense the other way around. You'll then be cornered by the drunkard from earlier along with his goons. Substory locator in Yakuza 0? Yakuza 0 Substory Question. So I was trying to do substory 36 ... but the wiki I usually use for Yakuza games says that you need to talk to Chau multiple times to get the substory to continue (it actually says "talk to him and cancel 2 or 3 times"). This Video has been a Request from the user TygaTyga Tyga. Defeat him to finish this quest. They'll bring you to a back street for an ambush. You don't necessarily need to capture the prize you want; sometimes, you can deliberately grab a part of it so that it will fall off instead. Go there to confront him and defeat him to finish the quest. Substories. I liked all of them in Yakuza 0 except Space Harrier and Koi Koi. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Our boi Kasuga, successfully making the moves. Requirements: Chapter 13; Clear Substory #6: The Fake Mizuki’s Truth; After completing the preceding substory, head back to Purgatory and talk to the Florist again. In the finale, give him 10 billion yen to … Yakuza 0. Included are conditions to unlock the substory, objectives, locations, … Once the men leaves, talk to the solicitor outside to get inside Pares. 0 0 After leaving Saeko at the Cabaret Club, it's time to go upgrade some weapons at the Romance Workshop, where we'll get introduced to Sumire Sawa, essentially our blacksmith who can craft and upgrade gear for us, something we'll definitely take advantage of in the future, for now, she'll upgrade Ichiban's Bat, but not to a level that makes it stronger than the Massager you can buy. Yakuza 0 & Yakuza Kiwami (PS4 PC Xbox One) - 100% EASY WAY Getting a Turkey in Bowling 3 STRIKES! Accept it. One such substory is the Golden Opportunity substory, which you unlock rather early on in the game. Next, head to Pink Street North (3) and talk to the homeless guy standing in front of a closed-off parking slot. The following is IGN's guide to the substory Destiny Calls in Yakuza 0. Shortly after, you'll have to fend yourself against Dojima's henchmen/loyalists. You can start this substory in Chapter 4 but you can only complete it once you have access to Purgatory in Chapter 5. Walk in front of the guy standing along Park Alley. Walk in front of a club located in Showa Street. ... Yakuza 0 - Substories: Destiny Calls - Duration: 13:37. The machine is much forgiveable in real life. Approach the guy and he’ll threaten you that he’ll call his buddy if you keep interfering. 4: The Yakuza’s Wife. If you're lucky when switching prizes, the three of them will be displayed at once. #7. The only thing that would have made this substory even better was if Mr. Libido was in the distant background doing … You'll end up at the Public Park 3. I got this item and gonna equip it! Otherwise, the substory will not trigger even if you head to the Florist’s office. While talking to her, a couple of yakuza will arrive and will harass her. After completing the preceding substory, head back to Purgatory and talk to the Florist again. Yakuza 0 - Tokyo Pier Fishing, Saitwater Fish Minigame Guide - Catch 18 Different Fish - Duration: 14:23. There’ll be another cutscene inside. He'll stop you saying that he collects toll for those who pass there. Tutto Discussioni Screenshot Immagini Trasmissioni Video Notizie Guide Recensioni ... For Kiryu, you need to complete "The Tax Lady" substory in chapter 5. The room has a lot of objects that can be used as weapons so you can unleash your Beast style here and wreck havoc. Yakuza: Like a Dragon is filled with a myriad of substories, all bringing players along wacky journeys that are sometimes questionable in nature. Can you outright fail a Substory? The easiest is the 01-301 rule where you have to work your way in lowering your score to 0 first. Hand it over to Sasaki. A complete walkthrough for Substory 14 - Something Worth Protecting in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Go to the building across Millennium Tower and look for the guy behind the lady that's giving free samples. Available: Chapter 5 Head to the northern corner of Pink St, to find a group of yakuza blocking the street. Yakuza 0 & Yakuza Kiwami (PS4 PC Xbox One) - 100% EASY WAY Getting a Turkey in Bowling 3 STRIKES! | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the yakuzagames community. Once inside, talk to Yuya again to trigger a cutscene. Keep on refusing until you piss off the bartender. Requirements: Chapter 4' Refuse to pay him and defeat him. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. The controls are straightforward. Playing With Fire achievement in Yakuza: ... 4.93 3,884 14 (0%) Game. Approach him again to instigate a fight and defeat him again to complete the quest. Lar Dass. Talk to the suited man there and defeat him to complete the substory. This should automatically trigger in Chapter 4 on your party's second visit to Otohime Land. As apology, you'll receive 20,000 yen instead. You'll find a group of thugs walking down the street from the north. This page was last edited on 27 September 2018, at 17:16. Substories Finale Substories. Requirements: Chapter 4 This time, Sasaki will request for a large (jumbo) squirrel stuffed toy from the UFO catcher. She'll offer to buy you a drink for fending off the drunk man. Help the restaurant owner and track him down. Yakuza 0. Walk in front of the man kneeling on the ground, looking for something. Finally, head back to Gen-san's location in the Champion District and you'll find Tatsu instead. Yakuza 0 > General Discussions > Topic Details. There is a substory in Yakuza 0 called ‘Heir to the Family’ where Kiryu receives a message to meet a member of the Dojima Clan that isn’t his enemy. This is a UFO catcher mini-game that will cost 300 yen per try, with three turns per game. Loading ... YAKUZA 0 Hibiki Customer Service Training 2 ... 14. Anybody else notice that the naming of the finders seems backwards? You can get it from the substory with Kiryu on GamerHeroes site this is how they say to do the substory: Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image, Source | Why? To trigger this event, head to the Hotel District cor Shichifuku Ave, right outside the M Store convenience store there. Approach them to bump into them and for one of them to fake an injury. 3 comments. There’s a total of 52, so there’s definitely no shortage in them if you want a good laugh. Just keep trying until you win them all then hand them over to Sasaki to complete this task. A playthrough of Substory 14: A Whirlwind Dirt Tour, in Yakuza Kiwami 2. Does it exist in this game and if so where? Requirements: Chapter 11 E. Yakuza 0 substories: Kazuma Kiryu: 1-9: The Visionary Fortune-teller • Arakure Quest • Passport To Pizza • Kamurocho Undercover The following is IGN's guide to the substory Damned Yanki in Yakuza 0. Don’t play Yakuza Kiwami 2 then. Since the clinic is unmarked, you have to run first along Taihei Blvd until you reach the spot near the lockers (3). 1 ago 2018, ore 14:09 They're a little all over the place in each city, some of them will not be unlocked until later chapters. Hope you have all been enjoying our playthrough of Yakuza 0. Yakuza 0 features a unique side quest system in the form of Substories. Get rid of them and once they're down, they'll hand over money. This time they have more men but as usual, refuse to pay them and defeat them to finish this quest. This quest may well have been worked on already, but can finally be finished late in the game. He will ask for a bottle of sake which you can get from the M Store convenience store in Shichifuku St West (2). - Duration: 1:25. You'll also receive the Locker Key I3. 1 year ago. Majima Substory #63 - The Man with the Stranger's Face (Chapter 4) Substories (or side quests) are not unique to the Yakuza series. Substory disappeared (yakuza 0) Close. You’ll find the kid there so talk to him. Please check out our online guide @ I have played for a bit and honestly it seems like there's a bunch of things to do/learn and its getting a bit overwhelming (maybe i'm making more of it than i should) so I'm making this thread to ask for tips and whatnot, for new players to the series like myself. 3. Destiny Calls is the 14th substory in Yakuza 0. Basically, I'm meant to go to the Earth Angel bar and find the elite and/or the pocket circuit fighter. 14. These axolotl stuffed animals come in three different types: the purple, blue, and pink ones that make up the family and set. alright, so after seeing so many people rave about these games, i finally bit and bought Yakuza-0, my first yakuza game. If you're playing Yakuza 3 off of Yakuza 0/Kiwami/Kiwami 2, some of the character names have been translated differently than you might remember. Give him the coat to receive a pair of glasses. After reading, he'll bring you to Cafe Alps in an attempt to scam you into buying a shady product. Tip: Collect CP and buy the Trouble Finder from Bob to locate substories easier. Currently Playing: Persona 5, Nioh, Yakuza 0, Ao no Kiseki Evolution Requirements: Chapter 4 14:23. She’ll ask for your help in shooing away the creepy stalker looking around the corner. (2) Enter the building to find Yuya and his girlfriend being held by a bunch of yakuza. TheElecPlay92 62,331 views Buy another food item from the nearby convenience store and bring Haruka to Public Park 3 to talk to the boy. The thugs outside the convenience store will return, doing their thing on the same spot. Head to the Champion District to find Gen-san lying on the ground. After the conversation, take down Sawada to complete the substory. This time, he wants to get a Woo Fam set. Simply head there and talk to Kazuki. Share this … 4: The Yakuza’s Wife. While talking to you, the yakuza who's been troubling him will arrive with a couple of minions. The thugs will be there but instead of asking for a fight, they'll invite you to walk with them. Walk in front of a conrer in Senryo Avenue. Requirements: Chapter 13; Clear Substory #6: The Fake Mizuki’s Truth; After completing the preceding substory, head back to Purgatory and talk to the Florist again. After doing a different activity, (or simply entering/exiting the convenience store), head back to the same spot where you saw encountered the thugs two instances prior. ... 1 ago 2018, ore 14:09 Requirements: Chapter 10 Hey guys I'm really enjoying the game, on chapter 2 right now, and I want to platinum it. There’s really no shortcut way of defeating this opponent other than learning the basics of the mini-game and ensuring that you at least land strikes and spares. After spotting you, he'll run away. As does the backtracking and repetition. For Majima, do the substory after maxing out the friendship meter with the chef at Komian. In Yakuza Kiwami I bought a Substory locator with CP I believe. Head inside the building to talk the man down. Here's a sample video out of the 30 you need to collect for the Perfectionist trophy. A complete walkthrough for Substory 47 - Dream in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. After the cutscene, you’ll have to deal with the Ali Brothers inside. There are 78 substories for this game. For Yakuza 0 on the PC, Guide and Walkthrough by CyricZ. This is the unofficial subreddit for Sega's long-running game series, Yakuza, known in Japan as Ryū ga Gotoku. After the cutscene, you’ll have to bring the boy to a doctor. As you likely know, we have finished playing through the main story, but we'll be diving back in one more time this coming Friday (July 21) to check out anything we might have missed. Included are conditions to unlock the substory, objectives, locations, obtainable items, enemies, and rewards. This would be the first time that the game’s protagonist meets a 12-year-old boy who would later become major character in the series, Daigo Dojima. After the scene, leave the establishment and answer the call from Yuya. Beat up the guy to save Sasaki and finally complete the substory. A complete walkthrough for Substory 45 - Battle of Men in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Those tend to be really … Does it exist in this game and if so where? Goro Majima is the second character you play as in Yakuza 0. Heavier balls also doesn’t change arcs easily even if you heavily spin them. I'm at chapter 10 but finally decided to invest some time into pocket circuit! Requirements: Chapter 4 Upon starting Chapter 4, you can trigger this follow up substory by doing the same thing. Yakuza 0. Due to its size, it's fairly easy to knock it over the ledge to the prize bin. He'll then inform you about the young homeless hunters that took his belongings. Substory disappeared (yakuza 0) So I was playing 0 on pc then I encouted the 2nd mircle johnson substroy and then went to play as majima and when i retuned to playing as kiryu the marker was gone does that mean that the substory has buged out. Hey everyone! After defeating him, you’ll learn about his rigged title fight the following morning. DanteDevil12 26,277 views. ... 14. He has a shotgun equipped so you have to close the distance quickly and take out the assassin. This time you will play as Kiryu Kazuma and Majima Goro before they became the men we know and love from the later games. I can’t see one on the list for 0. You’ll have to head to the Go Parlor in Park Blvd. You will then receive the password to the hidden casino in town. 0. Posted by. Im pretty sure ive done all other substories in that area. Yakuza 0 Unknown Substory Soundtrack sonicshooter15. Once done, a cutscene will play and the substory will be complete. I didn't realize I was in chapter 6. After the cutscene, you’ll have to defeat Jackal. Use the seats as weapons as well to remove them from your path and allow you to get into melee range of the attacker. I felt bad using a guide for the producer story and I want to play them my own way, but I don't want to replay to just do … He has his own set of substories for you to find and complete. report. She'll also tell you a story as to why she's selling matces. I got this call shortly after completing 13: Pay It Forward. Edited November 14 by cckerberos. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Defeat them and learn from Iwata that the scammer should be outside Smile Burger along the same street. Rush Combos, Finishing Blows, and Finishing Moves. Included are conditions to unlock the substory, objectives, locations, … Give him food and once he’s finished eating, leave the area then move to Public Park 3 (2). Included are conditions to unlock the substory, objectives, locations, obtainable items, enemies, and rewards. Continue convincing him not to jump until the whole ordeal is over. Refuse the pay them and defeat them to finish this quest. Rumor has it that she moves around, was last seen in the Champion District, and charges 1 million yen per reading. This Yakuza 6: The Song Of Life Substories Guide will tell you what Substories are available in each chapter, where to find them, how to complete them and the rewards you reap for your hard work. The following is a list of substories for the game Yakuza Kiwami. It seemed like it toned it down in the substory previous with the older guy after I lost thrice. Substory 40 is one of the trophies in Yakuza: Dead Souls. Generally, your best option is to look for people that either seem to be thinking loudly to themselves about something, someone in pain on the ground or even just walk down a street for a substory to trigger. He evades well but can’t take a lot of damage so you won’t have problems dispatching him. Buy matches from her to help her out. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Yakuza 0 - Substory and Friendship Guide A gameplay guide by Undead_Wolf_N7 • Published 11th June 2017 • Updated 1st January 2019 This is an in-depth guide to all 100 substories and the friendships found in Yakuza 0. Continue with the main story until you reach the portion where you have to walk around town with Haruka. He'll accuse you of stepping on his contact lens. This substory will be available once you reach Rank A relationship status ... Near the Pocket Circuit Stadium you’ll run into the Pocket Circuit Fighter from Yakuza 0. The name of Kiryu's adopted father has been translated as Shintaro Fuma instead of Shintaro Kazama, and the Florist of Sai is called Kage in this game, as well as in the original Yakuza 1 and 2. Now head head south of the same street until you reach the entrance of Asia Bikini Club (4). A man will run away without paying for the bill. Leave the arcade and come back again to find Sasaki looking for another prize. Head to the small street of Park Blvd near MEB and a phone booth to find an old man. Acting as a relationship/romance substory you will need to upgrade the workshop at a total cost of 22,500,000 Yen, which at the start of the game seems an unobtainable amount, but will be easily obtainable. Im binging a bunch of side missions i havent done and its going smoothly, but for some reason fake Kiryu wont show up in the champion district for me. Refuse to invest in it and leave the cafe. Gain access to this story after completing substory 38: Gift of Love Location This is one of three unreleased Yakuza 0 music pieces I extended for roughly 30 minutes. Head to Park Blvd via Park Alley to find the three. Once you're inside the bar, refuse to drink with her. The substory will finish shortly thereafter and you'll get a Goddess of Children Amulet. Since there is no tab for this theme, so i made my version on ear. Finally, head outside the arcade to find Sasaki being cornered by an aggressive guy. hide. Something Worth Protecting. They'll ask money for compensation. This thread is archived. Archived. Substory 14 is available starting in Chapter 07. After doing so, enter the mahjong place nearby then exit again to find him in the same exact position. To finish it you first need to spend a total of 22,500,000 Yen to upgrade the Romance Workshop to level 4, and you will need a total of 16 Bonzai trees to give to her. What differentiates those in Yakuza 0 from side quests in other games is how elaborate they often get. Defeat them to complete the substory. Chapter 15. Tell them that you are the bouncer and defeat them to complete this quest. Just continue through this conversation without choosing or spending anything. Once inside, head to the last room to the south to meet Yayoi Dojima. Sort by. While this makes it easier to aim, lighter balls are more susceptible to arcs due to spins. I got this call shortly after completing “Substory 13: Pay It Forward”. Approach them, refuse to pay them for the fake injury, and defeat them again to complete this quest. To those who made this guide, know that you have now made my life easier and less miserable. For substory 2, I somehow managed to get the call from Yuya almost immediately after starting substory 42 in chapter 5... Never mind my previous comment. After she leaves, head back to Public Park 3. There are 100 substories in this game, but don't be off-put by the size of that number. The easiest is the 01-301 rule where you have to work your way in lowering your score to 0 first. 1 year ago. Shortly after, you’ll have to face the owner and two of his men.