Our Sandhill Crane Decoys have been the centerpiece to Deception Decoy Company. Our paint is flexible so it can withstand impacts and abrasions in the cold weather and will not flake or chip off. Made of a lightweight, durable material, these silhouette decoys have our patented no shine treatment on both sides of the decoy. D DOLITY Vivid Artificial Magpie, Woodpecker, Shrike, Throstle, Peacock Bird Realistic Taxidermy Home Garden Decoration - #9 Red-Crowned Crane 4.4 out of 5 stars 3 $21.99 $ 21 . Some hunters prefer egret decoys, which are white, saying they are more visible to ducks. Free shipping for many products! Logo. Fullbody decoys work well and make sense economically for hunting over spreads of 10 decoys or less. 4 - Searchers. 6 - Feeders. Our sandhill crane hunts take place over deception sandhill crane decoys. © 2017 Deception Decoy Co. All Rights Reserved. But when all the stars align… the experience is purely remarkable, and it’s one that we consistently chase from early September to mid October. Details. Out of stock Pro Series II Sandhill Cranes $ 149.99. Sandhill Crane Pack Silhouettes (12) Decoys. Select options Details. The best guides produce when weather patterns change the game. Jerry Heasley Recommended for you Our drive for a product that is perfect in appearance, rugged, and easy to use is what has driven Deception Decoys to its success. Deception Decoy Company is a USA made decoy company. Our company has had its up and down battles but at the end of the day we as a team strive for making products that perform with excellence. Featuring a one piece design built with a flexible elastomer. They feature a one-piece design built with a flexible elastomer material these decoys can withstand hunting day in and day out. Skip to main content.ca. Big Al's Sandhill Crane Silhouette 12 Pack. Our decoys, especially our juvenile paint schemes, have been a game changer to Sandhill Crane hunting. We strive to offer some of the most realistic decoys on the market. Two brothers started Deception Decoy Co because we had a passion for the outdoors and wanted a decoy that was great. Reduced glare and flocked heads. Sandhill cranes can reach up to 3.5 feet in height. Northern Skies Outfitters sandhill crane hunts are simply the “BEST”. This is a collection of all sandhill crane decoys. by Sillosocks Decoys. Silhouettes and full bodies don’t have this movement. These Sandhill Crane Decoys by Sillosock Decoys are deadly. We hunt cranes like we hunt all waterfowl in Saskatchewan, in the decoys. Sold in six … 00. We ended up purchasing Deception Outdoors Sandhill Crane Decoys for the season and used them a lot. In response to hunter requests for an affordable Sandhill crane decoy, we have introduced the Pro Series II Sandhill Crane decoys. SANDHILL CRANES. SANDHILL CRANES scott@labradordesign.com 2019-03-02T00:41:33+00:00. I've been intrigued with sandhill crane hunting for a number of years. You’re Going to Need Stealth, Ultra Realistic Decoys—and Dog Goggles. 99 Silhouette decoys aren’t flocked. Add to cart Details. Sandhill cranes start arriving in mid-October and are here in full force by early November. 2 - Alert. We use full body and sock crane decoys to hunt these wily birds. New for 2020! They are sized to be roughly 15 percent larger than a mature Sandhill Crane. FREE Shipping by Amazon. Natural Gear Camo Mid Weight Hoodie Deception Decoy Co. Crane's eye sight is very sharp so we use natural cover as much as possible when we hunt cranes, although Aframe and layout blinds are lethal in any situation. How to Make Sandhill Crane Decoys on the Cheap (Sandhill Crane Quest - 2015) This blog entry is Part 1 of 2 of Sandhill Crane Quest - 2015 +++ There are subtle distinctions between "focused", "obsessed" and "bat-feces crazy". It is estimated fewer than 1,000 sandhill cranes remained by 1940. These cranes are the most realistic, deadliest decoy in the industry, bar none. Deception Decoy Company is a USA made decoy company. These decoys work!-Cheaper than full-bodied decoys-More compact-Fully Flocked neck and head-Comes with SilloSocks "hook" stake, Fully powder coated stake! Longneck Outfitters offers some of the best guided sandhill crane hunting in the nation. $16.32 shipping. The guys head down to west Texas for a few days of Sandhill Crane hunting with Premier Sandhills in west Texas. 1967 Shelby GT500 Barn Find and Appraisal That Buyer Uses To Pay Widow - Price Revealed - Duration: 22:15. Sandhill Crane Hunt Details. Sports & Outdoors Hello, Sign in. Sandhill Crane Decoys . And in states where sandhill cranes are common, hunters often add crane decoys to their spreads. The right color schemes and feather detail make all the difference when decoying Sandhill cranes. Flocked heads give Sillosock decoys extra realism and reduce glare. In Kansas, the sandhill crane season runs … $84.00 $ 84. Sillosock crane decoys provide motion on windy days. Real Geese Banner $ 30.00 – $ 80.00. 261 S. Main Street
I’ve used the Haydel’s Sandhill Crane Call with good success. Lonnie Carter and Brad VonFeldt, both of Great Bend, have a successful hunting operation, Great Flyway Adventures, for geese and Sandhill cranes. 4.7 out of 5 stars 131. Buying Request Hub makes it simple, with just a few steps: post a Buying Request and when it’s … Flambeau Confidence Sandhill Crane Decoy in Decoys. Best Seller in Duck Calls & Lures. The sandhill crane is and was considered the best tasting migratory game bird (hence, the nickname “ribeye of the sky”). By Andrew McKean. REAL GEESE SANDHILL CRANE DECOYS. We are a proud USA company building a brand that will last. Sillosock crane decoys come in both upright and feeder body positions. The best Sandhill crane decoys don’t produce glare in direct sunlight and are flocked. Find the cheap Sandhill Crane Decoys, Find the best Sandhill Crane Decoys deals, Sourcing the right Sandhill Crane Decoys supplier can be time-consuming and difficult. When the bird get down on thier wintering grounds, numbers are the key to … 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,572. Sandhill Crane Pack Silhouettes (12) Decoys 2 - Alert 6 - Feeders 4 - Searchers 12 - 34"L Thru Body Stakes Heavy 8 Gauge Spring Steel Black The new Sandhill Crane Silhouettes are made from 5 Mil Coroplast fluted plastic! Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Includes 36” heavy duty stakes and bungee design … Hunting. We built a brand out of an idea, some clay, creative thinking, and lots of patience. Real-Geese Sandhill Crane Silhouette Decoys. The decoys have been a game changer to Sandhill Crane hunting. Made in USA . THE HUNT. 99. Realism is key. $39.99 $ 39. All of our products are made in the USA and hand painted right here in central Kansas. Decoys that are capable of moving or pivoting in the wind. These decoys is what started the company because they are the most realistic and deadliest decoy available today – changing the face of Sandhill crane hunting forever. Sillosocks are the best way to build a large spread economically. On top of these rugged decoys is the best paint we could find that has excellent adhesion with our decoy material. Sandhill crane decoys with powder coated stakes help reduce glare and reduce rust. Play Video. Hunting guides are at the mercy of weather and wildlife.Any guide can put a client on incredible hunting when conditions are correct and wildlife plentiful. Address:
The new Sandhill Crane Silhouettes are made from 5 Mil Coroplast fluted plastic! You can pass-shoot them on the way from roost to feed and back, or – by far the preferred method – set up a blind and a few decoys on the field the birds feed on. The small business made a name for itself early on as one of the only manufacturers of sandhill crane decoys and calls. Duck Commander Jase Robertson Pro Series Duck Call. Sandhill cranes can reach up to 3.5 feet in height. The southern Texas panhandle is a major wintering area for cranes. Their pursuit is extremely challenging and requires the very best in field decoys, blinds, and the most rigorous scouting efforts. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Carry-Lite Sandhill Crane Confidence Decoy for Duck Goose Hunting at the best online prices at eBay! I shall let the dear reader decide where I might fall on this particular continuum. Hoisington, Kansas 67544. In addition, using a spread of 4-6 dozen Sandhill crane decoys is sufficient in many early season situations. Due to the fact that the Sandhill Crane is an early migrator and normally on the move as soon as early September each fall, they can be specifically targeted on a hunting trip. Sillosocks windsocks are collapsible and stack for easy transport. Stake Hole Punch $ 36.99. So, it comes as little surprise the bird was so popular among hunters during that time who were struggling to feed their families. ALL OF OUR DECOYS ARE HAND MADE ONE AT A TIME. Filter by All 2D crane decoy flapper flapping flocked flyer flying motion sandhill socks windsock Sort by Featured Best selling Alphabetically, A-Z Alphabetically, Z-A Price, low to high Price, high to low Date, old to new Date, new to old Out of stock Silhouette Decoy Bag $ 49.99. Jan 3, 2016 - This blog entry is Part 1 of 2 of Sandhill Crane Quest - 2015 ++ + There are subtle distinctions between " focused ", " obsessed " and "... More information A Man in the Woods: How to Make Sandhill Crane Decoys on the Cheap (Sandhill Crane Quest - 2015) UV Outdoor Inks with Ultra Matte Overprint! Harvester Pack(4 Sentry, 8 Feeder) Model # SS1104 . Most hunters approach crane hunting apprehensively, until the do it. “The best part of hunting them in Canada is the variety,” he said. And, lucky me the folks at Carry-Lite Decoys, one of the country's few manufacturers of sandhill crane imitations, invited me on a hunt with Lawton, Okla., crane guide Curt Wilkerson. Once they arrive they very rarely leave, some stay till mid-march before trekking back north. THE DECOY THAT STARTED IT ALL. Sillosock crane decoys look life like and are true to size. Gen 2 Pro Series II Sandhill Cranes $ 99.99. 1 Dozen Dive Bomb V2 Canada Goose Silhouette Decoys. Logo, Natural Gear Camo Deception Decoy Co. Decoys that are capable of moving or pivoting in the wind. Building a brand of performance based products we have been successful with our top notch quality. "The process that we're doing right now, with the profits we need, sandhill cranes kind of foot the bill, and that's really all we've been focusing on the last couple of years was sandhills," Garrett said. October 20, 2020. Sandhill Crane Hunting Season & Limits. Made in the USA. Cranes are vocal birds and having a crane call to respond to them will help build their confidence and get their attention. The best Sandhill crane decoys don’t produce glare in direct sunlight and are flocked. Sandhill Cranes. Lifelike size. They are easier to transport than the Deception Decoys. Windsocks have the most movement while some fullbody decoys have motion stakes. Confidence decoys are decoys of birds that are commonly seen with the type of bird that you are hunting.. What Are Confidence Decoys? Windsocks have the most movement while some fullbody decoys have motion stakes. Windsocks and silhouette decoys are lightweight and easy to carry for long distances. Details. However, as the demand for the unique crane decoys skyrocketed in Kansas and beyond, the brothers began to focus their efforts solely on making crane decoys and put the other products on hold. 12 - 34"L Thru Body Stakes Heavy 8 Gauge Spring Steel Black . We built a brand out of an idea, some clay, creative thinking, and lots of patience. We believe that hunters deserve lifelike dependable decoys made with US sourced materials by hardworking American hands. Sandhill Crane hunting, like most waterfowl hunting, is based on the birds’ feeding and resting in different habitat. Our Sandhill Crane and Goose Decoys all feature a one piece design made from an extremely durable rubber material. Our company has had its up and down battles but at the end of the day we as a team strive for making products that perform with … While crane hunting our hunters enjoy layout or comfortable A-frame and get to experience decoying sandhill cranes like no place else. Painting in house allows us to customize paint schemes that are as close to live birds as we can achieve in paint and blending. Snow Goose Full Body Decoys 606 Pro Series wholesale snow goose decoys US $4.26-$4.64 Wholesale wild plastic greylag goose decoy for Hunting US $4.60 Best PVC inflatable tank decoy, paintball inflatable tank for sale US $100.00-$960.00 By placing one or two of these decoys about 50 to 100 yards away from your waterfowl decoys, you can create an appearance of safety for passing duck flights. Scouting these magnificent creatures is also very similar to scouting geese. Stackable decoys are easier to store for larger spread setups. Latest. Our paint performance is exceptional so it can withstand impacts and abrasions in the cold weather and will not flake or chip. 3 Different Poses with lifelike details printed 2 sides . They are the cheapest crane decoys per dozen. Get where they want to be, put out some crane decoys and make sure you’re 100 percent hidden.” Or, if you want to experience a once-in-a-lifetime hunt, contact Vandemore (habitatflats.com, or (660) 734-3195) about a Saskatchewan sandhill outing. The realism is second to none and our results on our sandhill crane hunts speak for themselves. How I made my sandhill crane decoys. Stackable decoys are easier to store for larger spread setups. Lifelike size. More Hunting . Two brothers started Deception Decoy Co because we had a passion for the outdoors and wanted a decoy that was great. , “Nebraska’s Rainwater Basin, situated along the Platte River Valley, hosts up to 600,000 Sandhill cranes each spring as they make their way north to nest in Canada.”, Real-Geese Pro Series II Sandhill Crane Decoys, Best Action Camera for Duck Hunting: Our top picks for 2021, Best Early Season Turkey Decoy Setups for 2021, 14 Items You Need for Waterfowl Hunting 2021, 22 Camping Gifts That Make Great Outdoor Gift Ideas, 3 Best Single Pin Bow Sights for Hunting 2021. Sandhill Crane Decoys. DECEP-STD Sandhill Crane Decoys - Standard Pack These Sandhill Cranes from Deception Outdoors are the most realistic, deadliest decoy on the planet, bar none. Sandhill cranes are the oldest avian species on Earth, and hunting them is becoming the latest and greatest thing in waterfowling. 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No shine treatment on both sides of the decoy sillosocks `` hook '' stake, Fully coated.