8) Walt distracting and getting in the way of Hanks sting operation when they were working with Badger. By the end of Breaking Bad season 2, Skyler has confronted her "other woman" prime suspect, Gretchen Schwartz, and learned that Walt hasn't been having an affair. The last of Walt's family to find out (excluding Holly, obviously), the meth kingpin was desperate to keep the truth from his son, not wanting that idealistic father figure image to be shattered. The garage door suddenly opens, prompting Todd to close the trunk. Walter cooked in Hank's house when he was involved with those creeps tenting the houses for fumigation. Hank makes the connection himself in "Gliding All Over," two episodes before. Breaking Bad is one of those shows that you can watch multiple times and still be completely engrossed in the never-ending twists and turns. Having previously written for various sports and music outlets, Craig's interest soon turned to TV and film, where a steady upbringing of science fiction and comic books finally came into its own. Anonymous. Soulife83 wrote: There was a scene right after Hank read the "W.W", after he had his panic attack while driving home from Walt's house, where they show him getting home and comparing the "W.W" and handwriting in Walt's book to handwriting in what looked like a letter or something, implying that it confirmed his speculation concerning Walt.. 8 years ago. Ultimately, of course, Walt's secret is exposed to everyone - even the scared lady next door. No Hank with Walt. Cooking meth = Chemistry. Hank and Gomez are dead, so they can’t tell anyone. A book gifted to Walt by someone who goes by G.B.—Gale Boetticher, Walt's one-time assistant back in the Fring days. It seems like a stretch to suddenly make that leap just by reading the quote and I can't help but thinking that I'm missing some crucial piece that would make it obvious to Hank who Heisenberg really is after reading that quote. These are the episodes in which Walt's family discover the methy truth about the man they thought they knew. Jesseenters, asking if Walt met with Mike, and if Mike got the money and got away. Granted, she was usually barking up the wrong tree, but Skyler's limited investigative skills are a constant source of tension between herself and Walt nonetheless. I really don't care if you spoil but in what season and episode does Hank find out that Walter is Heisenberg? Even after being blackmailed into silence by Walt and Skyler, Hank refuses to give up and continues to try and find a way to put Walt behind bars. ‘Breaking Bad’ ‘Blood Money’ Recap — Hank Discovers Walt Is Heisenberg In the August 11 season premiere of Breaking Bad, we pick back up on that flash-forward. Breaking Bad: When Every Family Member Found Out The Truth About Walt, Breaking Bad: The Only Characters Walter White Kills Directly, Breaking Bad: What Happened To Ted Beneke. 7) Walts dissaperance was during the exact time Tuco went missing. There was a scene right after Hank read the "W.W", after he had his panic attack while driving home from Walt's house, where they show him getting home and comparing the "W.W" and handwriting in Walt's book to handwriting in what looked like a letter or something, implying that it confirmed his speculation concerning Walt.. At the ending of 'Gliding Over All', when Hank read the quote from the book, the thought of Walter being Heisenberg hit him for the first time, his brain started remembering and connecting all the events that happened before, like Walt dissappearing, Walt's mysterious fortune, his knowledge in chemistry, the time where he crashed into a car to keep him away from the laundry, his relationship with Jesse Pinkman. Yes. I missed out on the last couple parts and got back into it, so did hank ever find out about what walter has been doing. Does Skyler find out about Walt cooking meth, if she does what episode is it in and how does she react. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. How Did Hank Realize Walter is Heinsenberg. The more we see from Hank the more we know that given the circumstances and their relationship, Walt could pull the rip-cord at any time. Firstly, Walt is much smarter, and secondly, Hank grossly underestimates Walt - that much is clear from their very first scene together. Especially a family member like who Walt appears to be? On breaking bad? Skyler figures out Walt is involved in drugs between Breaking Bad seasons 2 and 3, but the real truth comes out in the season 3 premiere, "No Más." Although the former chemistry teacher is careful not to admit his guilt, he does … But Walt's meth cooking excursions take him away from home for days at a time and Skyler later discovers her husband has a second phone which leads her to the next reasonable conclusion: Walt's cheating. Walter White becomes an infamous name and the man himself is forced to go on the run. Source(s): skyler find walt breaking bad: https://biturl.im/FRUqL. Unafraid Hank punches Walt (Bryan Cranston) and knocks him to the ground. Unknown to him, Walt and Jesse had wounded Tuco moments before, and had barely escaped his detection. The truth becomes clear to Walt Jr. when his father returns home, fresh from watching Hank die in Breaking Bad's most devastating scene, and it's the teenager who calls the police. Part of Breaking Bad's appeal comes from the duality of Walt as a character. That's all I can recall right now, though I'm sure there's more. However, the exposing of Walt is a gradual process. Related: Breaking Bad: The Only Characters Walter White Kills Directly. 2 Answers. It was a gift from Gretchen, his former partner and lover. But how did Hank suddenly realize that Walt is Heinsenberg? After finding out from Hank Schrader, his DEA agent brother-in-law, how profitable cooking meth can be, Walt teams up with Jesse Pinkman, a former student of his, to … I DONT CARE IF YOU SPOIL IT FOR ME. Season 5 - Episode 8 of [Br]eaking [B]adNo copyright infringement intended. Confronting Walt after their separation, Skyler accuses her husband of being a marijuana dealer, based on one of Walt's lies from season 1, where Walt pretended Jesse was his weed dealer. Walt, in deep thought, is observing a fly at Vamonos Pest when when Todd informs him that he has disposed of Mike's car. Unlike the suspicious Skyler, Walt has two big advantages over his DEA special agent brother-in-law. Hank, fuming with rage, shame, and vertigo, is left panicked and gasping. He's been friends with Walt Longmire since they were 12 years old. There were so many signs that Walt was Heizenberg. Even though the audience don't see the moment Marie finds out, it can be inferred that Hank tells her during the season 5 episode "Buried.". When Hank lands one square on the jaw of Walt and sends him to the ground, you just know it must’ve felt good. Hockeyking770 wrote:There were so many signs that Walt was Heizenberg. Hank checking the bug he had Walt … In what Breaking Bad episode does Hank find out about Walt cooking? I understand that Hank made the realization that Walt is Heinsenberg after seeing the writing in Walt Whitman's book from G.B. Whereas Walt constantly has to evade his wife's questions (and even then only manages to do so for 2 seasons), he eludes Hank until season 5, despite being the primary focus of the entire Heisenberg investigation. Lv 7. Here are all that I can remember, in no particular order. Everything may seem hard to buy to you, but would you really suspect that a family member is a murderer and a meth dealer? Skyler realizes that Hank is dead, grabs a knife and tells him to get out. Perhaps this is why Marie discovering the truth about Walt happens off-screen. The two walk to Walt's car and open the trunk, where Mike's body is being kept. I was trying to look up what Hank was comparing the writing to to match the handwriting, and who's it was, and i still haven't found it but i read this post and just wanted to say that that was an awesome list of realizations, lol.. 3) His gambling story and all of his "winnings". Aminbalzack0320- Walt did NOT steal the book from Hank. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Despite a smattering of teenage angst, Walt Jr. loves his father deeply, setting up a donation web page for cancer treatment and hailing his dad as a hero. Some characters find out before others, and all have different reactions to the revelation. 1) He was a chemistry teacher. Here's when each member of Walter White's family found out they were in the presence of meth royalty in Breaking Bad. Walt's secret is complicated by his brother-in-law's role as a DEA agent; Hank and Marie Schrader's lives are intertwined with the Whites, forcing Walt to co-exist with the very man hunting him down. Scrambling for some reading material to ease the process, Hank finds a book that was gifted to Walt by Gale Boetticher and includes an incriminating inscription. Walt Jr. has no idea that his father has been effectively replaced by Heisenberg, but his constant love and innocence serves to twist the knife of guilt into Walt at every turn. Hank is also faced with numerous threats from the rival drug cartels which takes a toll on Hank's mental health as the series progresses, and eventually starts taking more extreme measures to find "Hei… Also, where just knowing her husband wasn't being truthful was enough to prompt Skyler towards divorce, Walt remains loyal to his father until he discovers the full facts of the meth operation. Even though he can't prove it definitively with this vague inscription, Hank knows from this point on that Walter White and Heisenberg are one and the same. Not involved enough in her husband's work to suspect Walt as a drug lord, and only experiencing Walt's unusual behavior second-hand through Skyler, Marie has no reason or personal investment in Walt's secret, other than how it affects Hank, Skyler and the kids. Since joining the Screen Rant fold, Craig has been involved in breaking news stories and mildly controversial ranking lists, but now works predominantly as a features writer. It's season 3. Delta. Advertisement I also suspect that the coming pursuit is what Walt really wants, deep down. So, I'm really into Breaking Bad right now, and as i live in Holland, i have not seen all episodes yet. Season 3, Episode 10, “Fly” Does “Fly” necessarily add anything to the overall Breaking Bad story? Answer Save. the last scene of season 5.1 Hank realizes what Walt has been up to. Remember when Hank and Walter we're talking and drinking while Walter was sitting on Hank's couch --- and then the scene changed to Walter sitting on the SAME couch in his yellow cook rubbers? That was driving me nuts last night trying to remember.. i gave up, and fell asleep with this tab still open in chrome thank god, otherwise i never would have saw this reply, lol.. thanks again, He suddenly realized it because walt stole the book from hank and now he finds it in his toilet room and realize that walt stole it and probably is the man he’s looking for according to all the other strange things that had been going on in their lives. During his search process, he follows the evidence to Tuco's hideout, and kills him in a shootout. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Hank believes that Tuco had ties to Heisenberg and questions Tuco's uncle, retired drug cartel boss Hector Salamanca (Mark Margolis), but Hector refuses t… Skyler White's role in Breaking Bad was to be the constant source of suspicion; the figure always questioning Walt's lies and trying to trip him up. Hank’s death both simultaneously crushes Walt and in turn makes him embrace the evil that he’s become. To ensure his family's future, Walt dabbles in cooking methamphetamine with a former student, and over the course of 5 seasons, evolves into a fearsome monster with an iron grip on the local drug scene and an international sphere of influence. Walt evades the question, saying only that "Mik… Hank takes a trip to the bathroom, and what does he find? 6) Walt purposely crashed the car with Hank in it while they were on their way to the laundromat. At this point, Skyler only knows that her husband is lying about something, and she begins divorce proceedings. Henry Standing Bear is one of the main characters in the Longmire television show. Hank even seems surprised to find out he smokes pot. Skyler also realizes Walt is far wealthier than he should be for a man of his profession. As such, it seems likely that Hank has the discussion with Skyler then goes home to reveal everything to Marie, forcing her to go to Skyler herself to confirm. Related: Breaking Bad: What Happened To Ted Beneke. Henry and Walt worked at the Prudhoe Bay oil fields in their 20s. Marie relies on Hank to get her out of her own legal issues with stealing. Walt Jr.'s role couldn't be more different. Baby Yoda’s Blood Can Bring “Order”: Does This Confirm Snoke Theories? Breaking Bad: Was Gus Fring's Death Realistic? Walter White manages to keep his meth empire secret from his family for most of Breaking Bad. Walt showed up the same day that Tuco was killed. Skyler also wanted to protect Walt Jr. from the truth, but Hank and Marie had other ideas. Throughout the series, he leads the investigation of the methamphetaminecook "Heisenberg" — unaware that the elusive drug kingpin is his own brother-in-law. In the first episode of the final eight, Walter White and Hank Schrader finally come to blows after years of fans wondering whether or not Hank would ever discover the truth about his brother-in-law. This moment comes towards the end of Breaking Bad in season 5's "Ozymandias." Eventually, Hank manages to make the connection while dropping a log at Walt's house. Does hank know what walt is doing? As a sister-in-law, Marie Schrader was mostly indifferent to Walter White. Skyler also wanted to protect Walt Jr. from the truth, but Hank and Marie had other ideas. (paraphrased "My other favorite W.W.") and I remember Hank's joking accusation of Walt being heisenberg and their conversation about this exact quote in his copy of the book. Walt spins a long, thought-out tale, saying that Hank, not Walt, is the ruthless, murderous drug lord, and that he threatened and blackmailed Walt into using his chemistry skills to make meth. Once he was more calmed, in 'Blood Money' when he had every piece of evidence in the Heisenberg and the blue meth case, he started connecting everything, though couldn't really connect it directly with his brother-in-law, until, he saw that picture of Heisenberg (a bold man with a hat and a bit of a moustache, which looked exactly like Walt did a few months ago when Heisenberg first appeared), that was the other big moment, that's where Hank bsolutely, 100%, solves the Heisenberg case. The DEA had already seized a book of Gale's with a similar tribute to "W.W." and spying a similar message in the same handwriting made everything click for Hank, with the long-awaited big confrontation finally happening in the next episode. The last of Walt's family to find out (excluding Holly, obviously), the meth kingpin was desperate to keep the truth from his son, not wanting that idealistic father figure image to be shattered. Doing this alone once again suggests that Marie is in the dark, but several scenes later, Marie knocks on Skyler's door wanting to know if Hank's talking crazy. Related: Breaking Bad: Was Gus Fring's Death Realistic? Walt's constant battle to keep his new hobby secret from wife Skyler runs throughout most of Breaking Bad, but Walt is especially determined to ensure his breakfast-loving son, Walt Jr., never finds out. He bought himself and Walt Jr new fancy cars. Craig has previously been published on sites such as Den of Geek, and after many coffee-drenched hours hunched over a laptop, part-time evening work eventually turned into a full-time career covering everything from the zombie apocalypse to the Starship Enterprise via the TARDIS. Hank is an important aspect of the show's dynamic. "Buried" comes next, and includes a scene where Hank confronts Skyler about Heisenberg. As the net of the law closed in around Walt, Marie insisted that Skyler be honest with her son, and the youngster lashed out, at first refusing to believe the accusations, and then blaming his mother for being involved. Breaking Bad Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. he had a breakthrough and it was too much information at the same time for his brain to process, so he had a panick attack. Hank also really doesn't want Heisenberg to be Walt. Henry R. Schrader is the brother-in-law of main character Walter White, and is a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Walt then spirals out of control, stopping his meth production, while Jesse strikes out on his own. Breaking Bad Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. NICK AND HANK FIND THEMSELVES IN THE MIDDLE OF A DISTURBING FAMILY REUNION WHEN HANK'S OLD FRIEND SEEKS HIS HELP TO FIND HIS MISSING DAUGHTER -- MADDIE HASSON, JOHN PYPER-FERGUSON AND MARK PELLEGRINO GUEST-STAR – As Hank (Russell Hornsby) continues to seek help to cope with the inexplicable siting he had, an old friend, Jarold Kempfer (guest star Mark Pellegrino), ne… But unlike Walt, Hank isn’t a cold-blooded murderer, so I doubt that will happen. The timeless story of Breaking Bad sees Walt, a boring and unadventurous chemistry teacher and car wash assistant, diagnosed with terminal cancer. Her initials are in the book. Craig first began contributing to Screen Rant in 2016, several years after graduating college, and has been ranting ever since, mostly to himself in a darkened room. In less than a minute, Marie successfully arouses him, and Hank is wheeled out of the room with a "get well soon" box, along with a scowl on his face and a proud Marie behind him ("Half Measures"). Lv 4. Though Skyler notices a change in Walt's behavior, she initially puts this down to the cancer diagnosis - a understandable and natural assumption. There’s a little bit of a time cut at the end of last season, where Walt gets out of the business, a month or so that goes by, and we’re all sitting in the backyard. Well Walt and skyler told him they made the money gambling. Favorite Answer. Although the cancer-stricken teacher is slowly becoming a force to be reckoned with, he's still the shy and mild-mannered father, husband and brother-in-law back home. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When Walt goes missing after having been kidnapped by Tuco Salamanca (Raymond Cruz), Hank, along with the rest of the family, attempts to find him. As Walt returns, he goes back to actually plant the bug, much to Hank's dismay over Walt… 5) The gas mask that Hank found and he discovered that it belonged to Walts lab. The problem for Walt was that Hank’s sense of justice could never supersede Walt’s selfishness. 2) He knew Jesse Pinkman. And Hank hadn’t been forthcoming with his … All rights belong to AMC. As the series reached its conclusion I think they both still loved each other. I do not own any of this content poster, this is one of my favorite scenes from the show so i decided to upload it for others to enjoy. More: Breaking Bad: Every Godfather Hidden Reference In The Show. Hank Schrader's moment of discovery in Breaking Bad ranks as one of the most iconic scenes in the series and can be found in season 5's "Gliding All Over." ("Shotgun"). With you and never miss a beat want Heisenberg to be done the. Hank and Gomez are dead, so they can ’ t tell.... What season and episode does Hank find out the truth the exact time Tuco went.., “ Fly ” necessarily add anything to the ground can recall right now, though I 'm there. 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