appearing in his prophetic dream, Beerus and his attendant Whis decide to pay a visit to the remaining Saiyans on Earth. ONE OF THE BEST EZAS IN DOKKAN! [Summon] Dokkan Festival Starts!-----3 new characters, including SSR Beerus with the super powerful Passive Skill and SSR Super Saiyan God Goku, have arrived! = Event Period = 6/7 (Sun) 22:30 ~ 6/21 (Sun) 21:59 PST * Caution: Event Times in Dokkan Battle are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST) instead of Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Cards Links Items Quests Events Summons Tournaments Potential Battlefield Missions Ranks Other Resources. He owns a long scepter with a gem that floats above it, and is usually seen holding it in his right hand. The best way to play this Team is keeping Beerus and Beerus & Whis together on one rotation, and Super Saiyan Broly with Broly (Wrathful). Welcome to Dokkan Battle Reddit! For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Quick question about the Whis in the new Beerus dokkan event". Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Literal English Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Video Game Info Playable on iOS, Android Release Date(s) Japanese Winter 2015 English July 16th, 2015 Character debut(s) None in this game Technique debut(s) Lightning of Absolution Tool debut(s) None in this game Please select one of the cards below or search to find the card you were looking for if it is not listed. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Power 4 Abilities 5 Equipment 6 Video Game Appearances 7 Gallery 8 Site Navigation Whirus appears similar to Beerus in build, with Whis' skin color. This article is a disambiguation page for Whis (disambiguation) The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. ", Quick question about the Whis in the new Beerus dokkan event. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. There are a ton of amazing options for this category, it’s hard to go wrong. Whis' attire consists of a maroon robe, a black cuirass with the same white and orange diamond decorations as Beerus, and a blue sash. Fluff. See results from the DBZ Dokkan Battle: Realm of Gods Category Quiz on Sporcle, the best trivia site on the internet! = Event Period = 6/7 (Sun) 22:30 ~ 6/21 (Sun) 21:59 PST * Caution: Event Times in Dokkan Battle are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST) instead of Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Time works in your favor with this team and while they can kick ass in short events, longer events will let you see how this team truly shines by giving the LR Buus and Super Buu transform to achieve their full potential. I usually used Icarus, but sometimes I need to bring both Icarus and Whis, like in the Super Agl SBR run. Fgo when to summon reddit 2 Super UR Tier List 3 Super LR Tier List 4 Tier Lists 5 Top Tier Pure Saiyans Team Guide 6 Card List 7 Top Tier Vegeta's Family Team Guide 8 EZA Tier List 9 Top Tier Future Saga Team Guide 10 Event Guide: Prime Battle Looming Menace Dokkan category teams. Always try and complete events such as this one to unlock the best rewards. Whirus appears similar to Beerus in build, with Whis' skin color. Trunks helps summon Goku, Vegeta, Beerus, and Whis! News. The battle of gods is about to commence! Beerus Vs Whis. Dbz dokkan battle jp dokkan awakening teq beerus!!!! PayPal Donation Donate Bitcoin. === Event Period === 01/05 (Tue) 00:30 ~ 01/18 (Mon) 23:59 PST * Caution: Event Times in Dokkan Battle are listed as DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE SuperSaiyanGodSuper Goku,Vegeta vs Whis,Beerus. News. Misc Friend Finder APKs & Mods Reddit Discount Stones Japan-Codes DB Legends Space Team Builder DBZ Dokkan … Browse more videos. 9:08. He has more fur on his face and ears, and has a outer-collared Egyptian-like attire, taken from both Beerus and Whis. To get LR units in Dokkan Battle, you may need to invest in … Enigmatic Power Whis: Max LvL 80/100, Rarity SSR, Type TEQ, Cost 19/27, Leader Skill: TEQ, AGL, STR Type ATK & DEF +25%, Super Attack: Prelude to Destruction causes supreme damage to enemy and lowers ATK, Passive Skill: God of Destruction's Companion Fgo when to summon reddit. appearing in his prophetic dream, Beerus and his attendant Whis decide to pay a visit to the remaining Saiyans on Earth. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle is a a free-to-play mobile game by Namco Bandai. Who exactly is this Super Saiyan God in the prophecy? 100% RAINBOW JIREN, GoD TOPPO, & DYSPO!!! Banners always rotate, featuring newer units you can summon. Follow. Whis deserves a dokkan event/TUR. 271496 The Long Wait for Christmas saga We are finally free from chain battle bros. LR SSJ Goku EZArea and new SBR stages arrive on Christmas. * Please note that the event content and dates are subject to change without prior warning. Around his neck is a large light blue ring. Status. To get LR units in Dokkan Battle, you may need to invest in … This Team can definitively win the Movie Bosses stage of Super Battle Road, thanks to a combination of stuns, Damage, tanking, and dodging Skills being present on the Team. Dokkan Awakening [Premonition of a Great Fight] Beerus and [Godlike Skill] Whis can be Dokkan Awakened with Awakening Medals obtained from the Dokkan Event "7th Universe's God of Destruction"! (dbz: dokkan... datruthdt. Time works in your favor with this team and while they can kick ass in short events, longer events will let you see how this team truly shines by giving the LR Buus and Super Buu transform to achieve their full potential. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! Like all attendants, he is bound to the service of his deity and usually does not leave Beerus unaccompanied. Dokkan Battle - "/vmg/ ... Great ape vegeta from the new story event. 4. We hope you continue to enjoy playing Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle! DBZ Dokkan Battle summons, ... this one focuses more on which characters you can earn from certain Gacha events such as Dokkan Fest. PayPal Donation Donate Bitcoin. PRIDE TROOPERS TEAM SHOWCASE! Whis is a tall male with light blue skin, curved eyes with purple irises, violet lips, and tall, white hair. 9. all dragon ball heroes info so far! For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Quick question about the Whis in the new Beerus dokkan event". SSR art here. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: EXTREME STR TRANSFORMATION BOOST & CONQUEST OF TERROR ONLY VS LEGENDARY GOKU EVENT IN 8 MIN & 8 TURNS [Legendary Goku Event] [Fighting Legend: Goku] [熱闘悟空伝] Hidden potential of units (All level 10 links) STR Cooler 79% LR Frieza 1st form [EZA] 100% LR Turles Army 55% LR Full Power Frieza 69% STR Sealas 100% STR Buu (Good) 100% Watch more Dokkan … ... Plus I don't think he seems THAT good. Once Dokkan Awakened into an LR, meet the conditions in battles to launch the Active Skill! 4 years ago | 2 views. Playing next. The Passive Skill “Unmatched Anger” of the new SSR Beerus in this Summon Event is something not to be trifled with! Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan … Playing next. [Legendary Goku Event] [Fighting Legend: Goku] [熱闘悟空伝]Hidden potential of units:PHY Beerus 79%LR Beerus & Whis 90%INT Vados 90%STR Whis 100%AGL West Kai 100%TEQ Supreme Kai of Time 100%Friend Beerus 69% Recommended Videos ⭐️ … Find the cards, build your team, create a graph to see how they link - Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: XENOVERSE SUMMONING EVENT! Int Whis isn't that good that's also why I think Whis deserves a dokkan event/rebirth. Browse more videos. Status. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! * Caution: Event Times in Dokkan Battle are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST) instead of Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). The rarer they are, the lower their drop rates are. Banners always rotate, featuring newer units you can summon. The battle of gods is about to commence! Along with the other angels, he is a child of the Grand Minister. Report. 2:18. These … === Event Period === 01/05 (Tue) 00:30 ~ 01/18 (Mon) 23:59 PST * Caution: Event Times in Dokkan Battle are listed as BEST MONO SUPER STR TEAM?! The rarer they are, the lower their drop rates are. What is the in deck glitch and what should i do? He is the younger brother of Vados and the son of Daishinkan. NEW LR Gogeta Blue Global Dokkan Summons! Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle has a lot of characters and they are sorted into different rarities.For the most part, the higher the rarity, the stronger the character. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Characters have health, attack, and defense stats. Whis (ウイス, Uisu) is the Guide Angel Attendant of Universe 7's God of Destruction, Beerus,7 as well as his martial arts teacher. To deliver damage, the user taps the ki spheres on their screen. EX Whis RED holds an Extra Arts Card, an incredibly sought after quirk that proves to be deadly in combat.His Extra Move - Mysterious Staff - destroys all of his own cards as well as the Enemy Fighter’s Cards, and draws 4 new ones. Kamehameha through the Years. DBZ Space! HOW HARD IS THIS?! 6:20. Read about WHIS?! Now with the recent rumors that UI goku will get a dokkan awakening, It would be fitting for them to release an LR Beerus and Whis for the ROG category and his type is STR. The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. DBZ Space! All of Porunga’s Wishes in DBZ Dokkan Battle To celebrate the third anniversary of DBZ Dokkan Battle, multiple sets of Dragon Balls have been hidden throughout the game. Raditz Story Event: Stubborn Low Class Warrior Feb 28 - Apr 10: Dragon Ball Super: Universe 6 Saga Mar 16 - Apr 5 16:59: Ginyu Force Special Training: Turles Story Event: The Tree of Might Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59: Turles Dokkan Event: Wandering Darkness of the Universe Apr 1 - Apr 25 23:59: Galactic Crisis Super Guy in the Galaxy Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59 Don't miss out on the Passive Skill that allows Nappa to exchange with Vegeta! ragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle:LEGENDARY GOKU EVENT IN 8 TURNS & 6 MINUTES WITH GODS & ANGELS & KAIS ONLY TEAM! Community content is available under. 0:31. Global Harmony Through Destruction Beerus & Whis: Max LvL 150, Rarity LR, Type Super STR, Cost 77, Leader Skill: Super STR Type Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%; Extreme STR Type Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%, Super Attack: Power Flick; God of Destruction's Edict, Passive Skill: Decision of Destruction >> Anonymous 10/28/20(Wed)04:13:13 No. The only two events that will give this Team trouble are the Fighting Legend: Goku event and Infinite Dragon Ball History, as those events are better suited for other types of Team builds. This might seem like a neutral situation, but it’s actually quite advantageous for EX Whis RED. Don't miss out on the Passive Skill that allows Nappa to exchange with Vegeta! DBZ Dokkan Battle summons, like any gacha game, is risky in the way that they can’t guarantee you won’t get a duplicate or a weak character. 12 Ki Multiplier is 130% Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Once Dokkan Awakened into an LR, meet the conditions in battles to launch the Active Skill! dokkan now leaked! Global Japan. (DBZ: Dokkan Battle) - Duration: 19:53. The following characters can also be Dokkan Awakened with Awakening Medals obtained from this event! Molohekot. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. New Dokkan event,Beerus`s time to shine. 2:16. Raditz Story Event: Stubborn Low Class Warrior Feb 28 - Apr 10: Dragon Ball Super: Universe 6 Saga Mar 16 - Apr 5 16:59: Ginyu Force Special Training: Turles Story Event: The Tree of Might Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59: Turles Dokkan Event: Wandering Darkness of the Universe Apr 1 - Apr 25 23:59: Galactic Crisis Super Guy in the Galaxy Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59 Attendant Whis is the Guide Angel of the Seventh Universe and the servant of the God of Destruction Beerus. Certainly these new banner units can be ludicrous like Whis and Vados but he just isn't on that level. Black Goku tracking! Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: EXTREME STR TRANSFORMATION BOOST & CONQUEST OF TERROR ONLY VS LEGENDARY GOKU EVENT IN 8 MIN & 8 TURNS [Legendary Goku Event] [Fighting Legend: Goku] [熱闘悟空伝] Hidden potential of units (All level 10 links) STR Cooler 79% LR Frieza 1st form [EZA] 100% LR Turles Army 55% LR Full Power Frieza 69% STR Sealas 100% STR Buu (Good) 100% Watch more Dokkan … Event Period 22:30 PST on Saturday ~ 22:29 PST on Sunday 22:30 PST on Monday ~ 22:29 PST on Tuesday 22:30 PST on Thursday ~ 22:29 PST on Friday * Caution: Event Times in Dokkan Battle are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST) instead of Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Beerus dokkan festival summon SR Whis. Awaken Zeni. The game was released in Japan in Winter 2014, and received a Western release July 16th, 2015. Events Category. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle has a lot of characters and they are sorted into different rarities.For the most part, the higher the rarity, the stronger the character. 100% RAINBOW STAR EZA AGL ROSE GOKU BLACK! You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle by Living Ichigo. Beerus. Dragon Ball Xenoverse | Beerus/Bills and Whis CONFIRMED FOR XENOVERSE! Raditz Story Event: Stubborn Low Class Warrior Feb 28 - Apr 10: Dragon Ball Super: Universe 6 Saga Mar 16 - Apr 5 16:59: Ginyu Force Special Training: Turles Story Event: The Tree of Might Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59: Turles Dokkan Event: Wandering Darkness of the Universe Apr 1 - Apr 25 23:59: Galactic Crisis Super Guy in the Galaxy Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59 Who exactly is this Super Saiyan God in the prophecy? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. november 15, 2020 major reveal! This might seem like a neutral situation, but it’s actually quite advantageous for EX Whis RED. The Metamo-Ringon his left arm keeps him from defusing. Dokkan Awakening [Premonition of a Great Fight] Beerus and [Godlike Skill] Whis can be Dokkan Awakened with Awakening Medals obtained from the Dokkan Event "7th Universe's God of Destruction"! - [Saiyan Savior of Legend] Super Saiyan God Goku - [Enigmatic Power] Whis - [Mysterious Mentor] Whis - [State of Calmness] Whis - [White Hot Face-Off] Super Saiyan Goku For the first time ever I'm starting to run low on Gregory medals. Takip et. ... Whis… 20:26. The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. Whilst its a good question, i think he will just have stupidly high HP or DEF. Report. ssj4 vegito & ssj4 broly coming to global! Global Japan. Why does the game keep telling me "trade failed due to the limit reached? I think teq Whis is an amazing card through his stunning ability but I still feel that he deserves to be better as he's pretty much the strongest character in Dragonball. For instance, the game’s launch week event grants you a Rare Goku and Rare Gohan. The game is a puzzle, board, and fighting game that requires players to assemble teams of fighters (in the form of 'cards'). Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle ... ULTRA INSTINCT GOKU DOKKAN EVENT RELEASED!!! Raditz Story Event: Stubborn Low Class Warrior Feb 28 - Apr 10: Dragon Ball Super: Universe 6 Saga Mar 16 - Apr 5 16:59: Ginyu Force Special Training: Turles Story Event: The Tree of Might Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59: Turles Dokkan Event: Wandering Darkness of the Universe Apr 1 - Apr 25 23:59: Galactic Crisis Super Guy in the Galaxy Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59 Whirus (ビルスイス, Birusuisu) is the EX-Fusion of Beerus and Whis introduced in Dragon Ball Fusions. (dbz: dokkan battle)... datruthdt. | Jaco Possible Character. EX Whis RED holds an Extra Arts Card, an incredibly sought after quirk that proves to be deadly in combat.His Extra Move - Mysterious Staff - destroys all of his own cards as well as the Enemy Fighter’s Cards, and draws 4 new ones. I am the balancing point. Whis is a tall, thin humanoid with pale blue skin, white hair, violet eyes, and rather effeminate features. 4. DaTruthDT 51,003 views On a player’s main rotation, the duo of Beerus and Beerus & Whis will tank hits very well, cause obscene Damage, and Heal the Team for at least 7% if Beerus & Whis land a Super ATK. 5 yıl önce ... 1:02. by Nanogenix and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. I have over 1500 not too long ago and now down to just a few hundred which will go quickly once I've finished grinding the trunks event. Kamehameha through the Years. There are a ton of amazing options for this category, it’s hard to go wrong. 100% RAINBOW LR BEERUS & WHIS SHOWCASE! Dokkan Battle Anonymous 12/22/20(Tue)00:09:03 No. Mechanically Unusual Class: Tapion (Hirudegarn) is the Giant category leader with his own Dokkan Event, but he's not a Dokkan Fest card himself (in fact, he first appeared on a Rising Dragon Carnival banner co-released with the Wrath of the Dragon story event). Please select one of the cards below or search to find the card you were looking for if it is not listed. DBZ Dokkan Battle: Realm of Gods Category Quiz Stats - By Moai play quizzes ad-free = Event Period = 6/21 (Sun) 22:30 ~ 7/8 (Wed) 21:59 PST * Caution: Event Times in Dokkan Battle are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST) instead of Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). New Dokkan event,Beerus`s time to shine. Always Be Aware of Those In-Game Events • When you get to the main menu, pay close attention to the in-game event that’s currently running. 18.7k members in the DokkanBattleReddit community. Should I change Agl Whis' hidden potential for the preparation of dokkaning him? Dragon Ball Super 48 Beerus Vs Whis. Events Category. He also wears black high-heeled shoes with whi… I'm skipping the LR banner, I've got almost 450 stones saved that I'm going to keep for the 5-year anni event. Enigmatic Power Whis: Max LvL 80/100, Rarity SSR, Type TEQ, Cost 19/27, Leader Skill: TEQ, AGL, STR Type ATK & DEF +25%, Super Attack: Prelude to Destruction causes supreme damage to enemy and lowers ATK, Passive Skill: God of Destruction's Companion User Log In / Sign Up Display Options. ssj4 vegito dokkan event confirmed! Greatly lowers Hirudegarn's Energy Gauge in the Dokkan Event "Phantom Majin of Smoke and Flame" King Kai: Lowers Super Saiyan … Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle … In Super and above difficulty events this is very important because opponents attack many times in one turn per slot, which lets Whis … Find the cards, build your team, create a graph to see how they link - Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Enjoy Dokkan Battle with players from all over the world! Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle by Living Ichigo. Return Catalog Top Refresh. = Event Period = 6/21 (Sun) 22:30 ~ 7/8 (Wed) 21:59 PST * Caution: Event Times in Dokkan Battle are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST) instead of Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). ! After Beerus's encounter with Son Goku, Whis became the martial arts teacher of Goku and Vegeta. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! Game Items Awakening Whis Character-specific Medal required for Awakening. However, the summon animations … Post a Reply. Characters have health, attack, and defense stats. 201497. Aside from an unconditional 100% boost to his defense, Whis boosts his defense by a mighty 50% with each attack dodged for that same turn. 48 for instance, the game was RELEASED in Japan in Winter 2014, tall... Supersaiyangodsuper Goku, Vegeta, Beerus your favorite fandoms with you and miss! A good question, I think Whis deserves a Dokkan event/rebirth deity and usually does leave. 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